The Tortoise and The Hare Fable


For your final research paper you will select a myth, legend, fable, or fairytale (in this case I have chosen The Tortoise and The Hare) and first explain the relevance of that tale within its historical cultural context. What function did it serve- to make sense of something in humanity or nature? To reflect and pass along a cultural value or belief? To inspire?… etc

After situating the tale within its historical context, you will then assess its ongoing relevance in modern culture. Has the tale continued to inform our lives in discernible ways? Are there offshoots of the myth that have made their way into modern life? Does it speak to an aspect of the human experience that remains significant?

Your final paper should be 8 pages, and should be STRONGLY supported by research. You will also be producing an annotated bibliography for this project. Your final paper should include no less than 3 secondary sources. Be careful not to confuse primary and secondary sources- you may cite primary sources, but you need no less than 3 secondary sources as well.



The bibliography should include at least 5 secondary sources, and at least 3 should be scholarly peer reviewed sources. In addition to your 5 secondary sources, you may include primary sources as well.
Each entry will be followed by a one paragraph annotation. For each annotation, briefly summarize the source’s content and then explain how you intend to utilize the source in your evaluation of your myth and its relevance. Your bibliography will be graded on the quality of your annotations along with the correctness of your citations.

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