These are Three Assignments with Different Topics

These are Three Assignments with Different Topics. See instructions for DETAILS

I will email you a Case Study before Tuesday next week, once I received it from the instructor.

This assignment needs details reading and follows the instructions carefully.

In addition, these assignments should not be combined. The references should be for each assignment and the references cannot be combined to make one.

Assignment 1: One Page (scholarly references)
Assignment 2: Two Pages (scholarly references)
Assignment 3: Two Pages (scholarly references)

Module 2: Descriptive Epidemiology: Who, What, Where, and When

In today’s media, reporters often reference the increasing incidence and prevalence of different diseases. Two such topics are the increasing incidence of autism and the increasing prevalence of obesity. But what is the difference between the incidence and prevalence of a disease? How are these measures of disease frequency calculated and used to inform public health?

Incidence and prevalence statistics are called measures of disease frequency, and are part of the field of descriptive epidemiology, which addresses the questions of who, what, where, and when. The two main reasons for conducting epidemiologic descriptive research are for scientific and administrative analysis. Scientists seek to find factors associated with health outcomes, while administrators use the data to generate plans for public health programs. Their joint efforts help promote public health and increase the likelihood of effective public health initiatives.

In this two-week module, you will explore the core concepts of incidence and prevalence and will learn how measures of disease frequency are calculated. You will also consider possible sources of descriptive public health data, including major sources of health data within the United States and international communities. Finally, you will discover the characteristics and main uses of descriptive epidemiology.

Learning Resources
Required Readings
Aschengrau, A., & Seage, G. R., III. (2014). Essentials of epidemiology in public health (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett.
• Chapter 2, “Measures of Disease Frequency” (pp. 33–58)

Chapter 2 explores the characteristics of measuring disease frequency. It examines how disease definitions are continually changing and describes how to calculate measures of disease occurrence and frequency.
• Chapter 4, “Sources of Public Health Data” (pp. 79–100)

This chapter explores multiple sources of public health data. It also examines the issues associated with using these types of data sources.

• Chapter 5, “Descriptive Epidemiology” (pp. 101–142)

Chapter 5 defines and describes the characteristics of descriptive epidemiology. It identifies the main uses of descriptive epidemiology and discusses the process of developing hypotheses about causal relationships.

Required Media

Please see attached MEDIA FILES (infectious and chronic diseases are reported and how the data are used to prevent disease.

Assignment #1:
(1 PAGE)

As a public health professional, you may be given data and be asked to calculate and interpret basic measures of disease frequency such as incidence and prevalence statistics. This Assignment will give you the opportunity to work through these calculations and gain experience and understanding of these key measures of disease frequency.

Note that the Assignments in Modules 2, 3, and 5 of this course are different than traditional Assignments in which you may have participated. Consider these Assignments “Study Group Assignment Areas,” in which you can seek and offer assistance to your peers throughout the course. You may be asked to complete exercises or to work together on a group task during the Assignments, but the goal of these assignments is less about posting and checking each other’s answers and more about collaborating as a community to support each other’s learning.

Before you participate in this Assignment, complete the following tasks:
• Read the assigned chapters of the textbook.
• Watch the virtual lab provided in the Learning Resources.
• Review the chapter questions for Chapters 2, 4, and 5, which are designed to help you practice and assess your understanding of the concepts presented in each chapter.
• Complete the following assigned chapter questions:
o Chapter 2: Questions 1, 4, 6, and 12
o Chapter 4: Question 2
o Chapter 5: Question 1
While you may find it helpful to complete all of the chapter questions, you must complete at minimum the specific questions identified in the preceding list. Note that solutions to these exercises are provided at the back of the textbook. These solutions are useful for checking your work and for demonstrating how you should approach all of the questions at the end of each chapter.

Once you have completed the required tasks, engage in a Assignment with your peers. While posting and comparing answers may be helpful, you may be better served by asking specific questions about the concepts and procedures in the exercises. For example, you might ask questions such as the following: “What is the difference in how the numerator is counted for cumulative incidence and prevalence?” or “For Chapter 2, Problem 6, I’m having difficulty figuring out how to calculate person-time. Can someone help me?”

Your posts in the Assignment may include questions or insights about the required reading, the virtual lab, the assigned chapter questions, the solutions for the assigned chapter questions, or any combination thereof. If you do not have questions about the assignment and believe that you have mastered the material for this module, use the Assignment to answer your peers’ questions, offering insight, advice, strategies, and assistance.
Whether you are assisting your peers or seeking assistance, you must participate in the Assignment, completing an initial post intended to spark a conversation and then following through on your post by interacting with your peers.

Assignment Details:
Write a page summary of what you learned after reading the specified chapters stated above. Use appropriate references using APA format

Assignment Expectations
Use APA formatting for your assignment and to cite your resources. ENSURE you use paragraph headings to explain your points and address all BLUE BULLET POINTS QUESTIONS asked.

Assignment Expectation:

1) Your paper should demonstrate an excellent understanding of all of the concepts and key points presented in the text/s and Learning Resources. Your paper should provide significant detail including multiple relevant examples, evidence from the readings and other scholarly sources, and discerning ideas.

2) Your paper should be well organized, use scholarly tone, contain original writing and proper paraphrasing, follow APA style, contain very few or no writing and/or spelling errors, and are fully consistent with graduate (PhD) level writing style.

3) Make sure each paragraph have at least one or two references. All words that are not YOURS must be PROPERLY CITED per APA 6th Edition writing Styles.

4) Use MOST RECENT References – 5 years old minimum

 Use APA format with at least 5 SCHOLARLY References

Assignment #2:

Case Study: Descriptive Epidemiology

If you read the “Health” page (either paper or web-based) of any major news source (e.g., The New York Times, CNN), reports of the occurrence of health outcomes are common headlines. For example, you may see the following or similar headlines:

“Breast Cancer Increasing in Asian-American Women”
“Teenage Smoking at an All-Time Low”
Have you ever wondered where this information comes from and what it really means?

Governmental agencies and other organizations routinely collect descriptive epidemiological statistics on many health outcomes. For example, statistics on the occurrence of cancer in the United States have been continuously collected since the early 1970s through the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program of the National Cancer Institute.

For this Case Study Assignment, you will analyze and interpret descriptive epidemiologic statistics. To prepare for this Assignment, review the material presented in the textbook.

A case study worksheet will be provided by your instructor for this Assignment in the form of a Microsoft Word document. Download the worksheet and type your answers directly into the document to complete the Assignment. Be sure that your completed worksheet contains your responses to all questions.

Assignment Expectations
Use APA formatting for your assignment and to cite your resources. ENSURE you use paragraph headings to explain your points and address all BLUE BULLET POINTS QUESTIONS asked.

Assignment Expectation:

5) Your paper should demonstrate an excellent understanding of all of the concepts and key points presented in the text/s and Learning Resources. Your paper should provide significant detail including multiple relevant examples, evidence from the readings and other scholarly sources, and discerning ideas.

6) Your paper should be well organized, use scholarly tone, contain original writing and proper paraphrasing, follow APA style, contain very few or no writing and/or spelling errors, and are fully consistent with graduate (PhD) level writing style.

7) Make sure each paragraph have at least one or two references. All words that are not YOURS must be PROPERLY CITED per APA 6th Edition writing Styles.

8) Use MOST RECENT References – 5 years old minimum

 Use APA format with at least 10 SCHOLARLY References
Assignment #3

Topic: Problem Set: Measures of Disease Frequency

After gaining information and advice from your peers in the Discussion, this Assignment will allow you to practice individually and increase your skills with measures of disease frequency. Your goal for this Assignment is to compute and interpret measures of disease frequency.

To prepare for this Assignment, participate in the Discussion to clarify any questions you may have about the material presented in the textbook, demonstration video, or any chapter questions at the ends of the assigned chapters.

Then, click on the Problem Set- Module 2 link. This will open up a problem bank that will randomly assign you 3 questions for your problem set. Be sure that your completed problem set includes your responses to all questions and shows the calculations and/or reasoning to justify all answers.


1. Suppose that you began a one-year study of tuberculosis (TB) in a subsidized housing community in the Lower East Side of New York City on January 1st, 2010. You enrolled 500 residents in your study and checked on their TB status on a monthly basis. At the start of your study on January 1st, you screened all 500 residents. Upon screening, you found that 20 of the healthy residents were immigrants who were vaccinated for TB and so were not at risk. Another 30 residents already had existing cases of TB on January 1st. On February 1st, 5 residents developed TB. On April 1st, 5 more residents developed TB. On June 1st, 10 healthy residents moved away from New York City were lost to follow-up. On July 1st, 10 of the residents who had existing TB on January 1st died from their disease. The study ended on December 31, 2010. Assume that once a person gets TB, they have it for the duration of the study, and assume that all remaining residents stayed healthy and were not lost to follow-up.
• Is the subsidized housing community in the Lower East Side of New York City a dynamic or fixed population? Briefly explain the rationale for your answer.
• What was the prevalence of TB in the screened community on January 1st?
• What was the prevalence of TB on June 30th?
• What was the cumulative incidence of TB over the year?
• Suppose that you wanted to calculate the incidence rate of TB in the study population. Calculate the amount of person-time that would go in the denominator of this incidence rate. Be sure to show your work.

1. Which type of measure of disease frequency best describes each of the following scenarios?
• Percentage of students enrolled in a college who developed influenza during the spring semester of 2012.
• Percentage of students enrolled in an epidemiology class who had sore throats on the first day of class.
• Percent of breast cancer patients who underwent mastectomy during 2012.
• Percent of men found to have high blood pressure at their yearly physical.
• Number of newly-diagnosed cases of AIDS in a year per 100,000 persons.
• Percent of infants born with spina bifida out of 1,000 liveborn infants.
• Percent of drivers found to be legally drunk at the time of their car accident.

1. Consider a group of 1,000 newborn infants. 100 infants were born with serious birth defects and 20 of these 100 died during the first year of life. 90 of the 900 remaining infants without any birth defects also died during the first year of life.
• Calculate the prevalence of serious defects in this population at the time of birth.
• Calculate the overall cumulative incidence of mortality in this population.
• Calculate the cumulative incidence difference in mortality between infants born with serious birth defects and without.
• State in words your interpretation of the cumulative incidence difference calculated in part c.

Assignment Expectations
Use APA formatting for your assignment and to cite your resources. ENSURE you use paragraph headings to explain your points and address all BLUE BULLET POINTS QUESTIONS asked.

Assignment Expectation:

9) Your paper should demonstrate an excellent understanding of all of the concepts and key points presented in the text/s and Learning Resources. Your paper should provide significant detail including multiple relevant examples, evidence from the readings and other scholarly sources, and discerning ideas.

10) Your paper should be well organized, use scholarly tone, contain original writing and proper paraphrasing, follow APA style, contain very few or no writing and/or spelling errors, and are fully consistent with graduate (PhD) level writing style.

11) Make sure each paragraph have at least one or two references. All words that are not YOURS must be PROPERLY CITED per APA 6th Edition writing Styles.

12) Use MOST RECENT References – 5 years old minimum

 Use APA format with at least 10 SCHOLARLY References

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