Twentieth century an analysis in fiction or drama or an entire poem


Length: 3 pages. Analyze one aspect in fiction or drama (a character, setting) or an entire poem of your choice (it should not be included on the syllabus; however, the selected work should be written within the era studied (1900- 1945) as it should enhance your knowledge of the period.

The focus of the assignment should reflect the achievement of a specific Student Learning Outcome and enrich your cultural, literary, and aesthetic knowledge of the period and writer analyzed; your analysis should focus on issues related to the Student Learning Outcomes, i. e., on examining the selected work critically, with an emphasis on the reflection of cultural, ethical, gender, and philosophical values reflected in the portrayal of characters, settings, images/metaphors, and themes (see the list of Student Learning Outcomes above). The selected work should not be listed on the syllabus.

In your analysis, you should specifically focus on examining the character portrayal, plot, and setting (in fiction) or imagery and structure (in poetry) and their contribution to the story’s/poem’s message. Give specific examples from your primary source. Optionally, if you choose to analyze a poem, you are welcome to use a secondary source, for instance, an article on the poem posted on Modern Poets website.




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