Using an idea, or concept, or example from Watters’ essay as support, construct an argumentative essay that challenges or extends one of the other essays’ arguments regarding the ways that art can make the world a better place or fails to make the world a better place.


Using an idea, or concept, or example from Watters’ essay as support, construct an argumentative essay that challenges or extends one of the other essays’ arguments
regarding the ways that art can make the world a better place or fails to make the world a better place.

In “Being WEIRD How Cdture Shapes the Mind,” Watters discusses Joe Henrich’s
research and conclusions on the effect of culture differences on individual tendencies-
Part of what makes Henrich’s findings so interesting to Watters and to the world of
scholarship is that it challenges long held ideas in the fields of economics, psychology,
anthropology, etc. At the same time, Watters is reporting Henrich’s work and academic
impact while extending the argument to discuss its implications and relevance to the
average, non-scholarly reader.

Using an idea, or concept, or example from Watters’ essay as support, construct an
argumentative essay that challenges or extends one of the other essays’ arguments
regarding the ways that art can make the world a better place or fails to make the
world a better place-

use quotes from Watters and Ma or Southan to help you define and explain
the concepts you use. Always give credit where credit is due. Although using the text
as a source in your essay, remember that your essay should be advancing your original
argument on the topic. All papers should conform to proper MLA style- Do not use any
outside sources.


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