QUESTION 1 – Using AutoCAD 2020 to create a 3D model of the following object, then use “View-Base” technique to provide a working drawing of the object, in 3rd-angle of projection system, per instruction below.
Your drawing should include:
- Principle orthographic views: Front, left and top views. And an isometric view of the object
- Add a Partial Axillary view of the slatted is to show true size and true shape of the part
- Full dimension is expected in the format of “BASE LINE” technique
- Title block that shows scale, date, and title of drawing.
- QUESTION 2 – Use AutoCAD to create a solid model of the 90° Flanged-Elbow as shown below in model space. Then use the command “Base View” to produce 2D working drawings, by following the instructions.
1- Orthographic views and a section view as needed) on the layout
2- Full dimensioning is required, use Base Line Technique
3- Title block should include scale, date, and title of drawing
4- An isometric view of the object must be added to the drawing.