Utilitarianism, Kantian Deontology, Virtue Theory


Choose two of the three ethical theories that we have engaged with (Utilitarianism, Kantian Deontology, Virtue Theory). Which of the two that you have
chosen is most philosophically and morally persuasive? Provide at least three philosophical reasons that your preferred theory is the stronger of the two.
Detail at least one philosophical flaw in the theory that you are rejecting. Include an example (either real-world or hypothetical) to support your position and
analyze it thoroughly. Quote and cite Sandel at least twice in the paper.
This term paper should respond to one of several optional multi-part prompts provided on Moodle on the date noted in the schedule. The student is expected
to discuss at least two philosophical perspectives or approaches in the paper and make an argument for the superiority of one over the other. The student is
expected to critique the positions discussed insightfully, articulately, and coherently. Students should make a well-reasoned argument for one perspective or
position over the other.



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