Visual Arts

Visual Arts Scoring Gwde
Describe how the Does not describe Does not describe Describes how the Explains how the visual arts
visual arts developed how the visual arts how the visual arts visual arts developed in the 17th
in the 17th through developed in the 17th developed in the developed in the through 2oth centuries;
2oth centuries. through 2oth 17th through 2oth 17th through 2oth explanation cites key
centuries. centuries. centuries. movements, artists,
influences, dates, and
Explain the aesthetic Does not explain the Lists aesthetic Explains the Analyzes the aesthetic
principles expressed aesthetic principles principles aesthetic principles principles expressed in the
in the visual arts. expressed in the expressed in the expressed in the visual arts; analysis
visual arts. visual arts. visual arts. persuasively links traditional
design elements to
contemporary images.
Illustrate the use of Does not illustrate the Describes the use Illustrates the use of Assesses the use of visual
visual arts in use of visual arts in of visual arts in visual arts in arts in commercial design.
commercial design. commercial design. commercial design. commercial design.
Assess how visual Does not assess how Explains how visual Assesses how visual Analyzes how visual images
images in visual images in images in images in in advertising influence our
advertising influence advertising influence advertising advertising influence buying habits; analysis
our buying habits. our buying habits. influence our our buying habits. persuasively links design
buying habits. elements to marketing

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