Weighting Word Count


Watch the full 13 minute video clip from the Counselling and Therapy In Video (CTIV) series:
Counselling Therapies Session 1: Person Centered Therapy

Write a report identifying three micro-skills used in the session, and describe how the three micro-skills are used in this person-centered therapy session. Include verbatim examples from the session to illustrate how micro-skills were used to form the counselling alliance and establish rapport with the client.

Verbatim is the written record of the actual dialogue from the session. That is the writing of what the client and counsellor said. The examples you quote will have particular significance to the point you are making in your report.
For example:
Client: I am surprised by my results. I didn’t think this could happen to me.
Counsellor: It was a surprise you did so well?
Client: Yes who would have thought?
Verbatim quotes should be 10% or less than the total length of your assignment, therefore less than 50 words in this assignment.

Your report should include:

  • a brief introduction (approximately 50words)
  • a brief summary of the counselling session (approximately 100words)
  • accurate identification and definition of three micro-skills used by the counsellor (approximately 200words)
  • verbatim examples illustrating how the selected micro-skills were used to form the counselling relationship and to establish rapport between the client and the counsellor (approximately 400words)
  • appropriate conclusion provided that summarises the main points in the report (approximately 50words)
  • 3-4 academic references are required.

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