woman study

Article no.2 What is woman theology
Summary: In this, the author spoke about some issues woman face in Christianity has no place for a woman except as second-class citizen. Some people chose to go to a less unequal church or no church at all. Some feminist says the interpret the bible one different from others. The feminist mystique, by Betty Friedan. Feminist theology is about the women’s movement. It started with the first wave to allow women the right to vote. Second wave the right to do what you wish with your body. The third wave white women are not able to speak for everyone. The author say that feminist no longer is sitting and waiting for change they are fighting the fight.
Favorite Quote
Every day I wake up is a miracle
Why can’t we as a people; all follow the commandments that Christ gave us?
To love God with all our heart, soul and mind, when we can do this, then God can teach us to love yourself unconditionally. We can love all of yourself, the good, the bad and even the ugly.
Why can’t we love our neighbors, as we love ourselves?
If we take the time to love ourselves and find no fault in ourselves; then we as a people would be able to live with one another.
When will we as a people learn from our and other mistakes?
We the have not learned to take care of our own issues; before attempting o help others. We here in the U.S. have people who are hungry, homeless and dying from diseases.
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