Work and Wealth Inequality.

1. Coates discuss Work and Wealth Inequality. Outline 2 things that have impacted people’s ability to work and acquire wealth. How does Bonilla-Silva, Ch. 5 “I didn’t get that job because of a black man”: color-blind racism’s racial stories complicate the truth and what Coates discuss is the real problem behind work and wealth inequality. What happens according to Carol Anderson as a result of not understanding the inequalities perpetuated in the social structure based on white supremacy? What is the connection between income and wealth inequality and education? According to lecture and your readings, how has the educational system operated in the United States? Briefly explain what Tim Wise, 60 Minutes: Tracking, and Walkout reveal about the educational system? How can the problems uncovered be redressed to make critical/analytical thinkers in this society and world?


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