Working for a nonprofit agency


Suppose you work for a nonprofit agency, providing services and support for people with intellectual disabilities. While fundraising, your supervisor ran into a number of false beliefs about the brain and psychology. She wants you to do some research into the common neuromyths—common misconceptions about brain functions, particularly associated with learning and education—and has asked you to report on one research article and one credible popular press article on neuromyths. She has asked you to evaluate the sources and information from the two articles, based on the following thesis:

Even professionals believe in neuromyths that harm the services they offer.
In order to accurately report your evaluation of the sources, your supervisor has asked you to complete a Source Analysis Worksheet. In Section 1 of the form, you will record information on the scholarly article. In Section 2 of the form, you will record information based on the non-scholarly article.

Select two articles based on the given thesis to analyze for this assessment. Consider using two articles from the Resources, or select other current scholarly and popular press articles based on the thesis.
Complete the Source Analysis Worksheet.
Follow the prompts and instructions on the worksheet.
The scholarly article should appear in the first section and the popular press article should be addressed in the second section.
Provide the full reference for each article in the proper box. Use proper citations throughout.
Identify how each article can be used in relation to the given thesis. This should be a well-developed paragraph with proper citations for each article.
Additional Requirements
Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message. Original work and critical thinking are required in your assessment and scholarly writing.
Your quotations should include quotation marks and citations.
Your paraphrases should include citations.
APA formatting: References and citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

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