Workplace motivations and attitudes





Discuss theories of motivation and the role of emotional intelligence in motivation.Part of being an industrial and organizational psychology practitioner is having a foundational knowledge of motivational theories and how they are relevant today. You also need to have a grasp on how emotional intelligence (EI) can be intertwined with each theory. The purpose of this assignment is to help you gain a foundational knowledge of motivational theories and their relationship to EI.An annotated bibliography is not a standard research paper. Instead, it is a working expanded reference section where you research something specific, find articles or journals, and provide a brief overview of the information under each specific reference. An annotated bibliography helps you complete pre-research and provides a quick overview of what was discussed in each article you chose, allowing you to to come back to it later without having to reread the article.You will need to identify one article per motivational theory and provide a brief overview of the theory, including:OriginImpact/usageCurrent useSeparately, define the role of emotional intelligence in motivation.Motivational theories to research:Two-factor theoryMaslow’s hierarchy of needsGoal-setting theoryExpectancy theoryTheory X and theory YERG theoryFive-factor modelSelf-determination theory

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