World War II

Q2 (C Mitchell)
1. what item frequently smuggled from the U.S. presents a significant problem for Mexico? Why is it a problem?
2. Has the Mexican government taken steps to address the smuggled item from question #1? If it has, do you agree with their solution?
3. What would you recommend Mexico do to address the issue?

Q3 (D Miitchell)
This week imagine that you are in charge of a large special event that will see several thousands of people in the next two days. What type of bomb are you most concerned about ( Ie vest, car, letter etc.) and why? What type of explosive do would you expect to be used (i.e. c4, dynamite, black powder RDX etc.)? What type of detonating device is most likely (Alarm clock, cell phone, trip wire etc). ? How will you protect your event from this type of device?

Q4 (R felton)
How does Byzantine art address both religious and political ideas in Byzantine art? Use at least two fully identified examples from Chapter 9 to support your discussion. You may choose works of sculpture, painting, or architecture, but you must make sure you explain your choice. Support your discussion with fully identified visual evidence (images), Make sure that the images are inserted in your response. Images should be visible in the post and not need to be downloaded!

Q5 (S Hinton)
Topic A: Eastern Ethics and Natural Law
Do some research on one of the Eastern systems and then compare it to either Aristotle’s virtue theory or Aquinas’ Natural Law Theory in terms of which seems more reasonable. Which seems more coherent and able to be followed and which might help a person formulate a plan that would produce more morally acceptable behavior.
Considering all you have learned so far, why do you need a moral compass? Considering all of the theories (or any others you have researched) which theory or theories best fit your personal disposition and how can you use this theory or theories to develop criteria for determining the morality of future actions?
Please pick 2 of the topics below and discuss, based on the reading and your personal experience (if applicable), how those topics impact children.
• Military families
• Foster parents
• Adoptive parents
• Child maltreatment
• Chronic illness
• Stepfamilies/Divorced
• Gay/lesbian families
Would the use of earned schedule concepts be helpful in reporting progress to project team members? Would other project stakeholders likely be interested in Earned Schedule metrics? Please provide details supporting your answers.
1) Pick one of the FBI services provided and create a request for analysis of specific evidence collected at a fictional crime scene. What testing would you request the FBI lab to do for your case?

2) Review the 2-part “body farm” video on the same FBI lab website and discuss what you found to be interesting.
FBI — FBI Trains at Body Farm, Part 1
FBI — FBI Trains at Body Farm, Part 2
Q10 Your slave must be from the state of Florida
1. You are to find one slave narratives from a LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1930s SLAVE Narrative for your assigned state.
2. In essay format, you will retell to the class what you heard and read about from your chosen person about their slave experiences.
5. Also summarize your findings on this ex-slave in the last paragraph. What did you find surprising or different than based on your own knowledge of enslavement and what the course has discussed so far.
Resources for accessing the narratives.
Option 1:
The LOC site where you can hear and read the narrative…there is something powerful about listening to the people in their own voice about their experiences.
If you were to find another random sample of 10 cars based on the same data, what is the probability that exactly 4 of them will fall below the average? Make sure you interpret your results.
If you were to find another random sample of 10 cars based on the same data, what is the probability that fewer than 5 of them will fall below the average? Make sure you interpret your results.
If you were to find another random sample of 10 cars based on the same data, what is the probability that more than 6 of them will fall below the average? Make sure you interpret your results.
If you were to find another random sample of 10 cars based on the same data, what is the probability that at least 4 of them will fall below the average? Make sure you interpret your results.
I encourage you to review the Week 3 Binomial probabilities PDF at the bottom of the discussion. This will give you a step by step example to follow and show you how to find probabilities using Excel. You can also use this PDF in the Quizzes section.
There are additional PDFs that were created to help you with the Homework, Lessons and Tests in the Quizzes section. While they won’t be used to answer the questions in the discussion, they are just as useful and beneficial. I encourage you to review these ASAP! These PDFs are also located at the bottom of the discussion.
Week 3 Poisson probabilities.pdf
Week 3 Binomial probabilities.pdf
Utilizing and referencing this week’s readings, what coercive or torture methods would you find acceptable, even though it may be a harsh or illegal practice? Describe your line of acceptability for the coercive or torture methods you selected, such as degree, length of time, situation, subjects, etc.
Plagiarism and serious ethical lapses do not just occur in college papers; there are social and financial consequences to plagiarism and ethical misdeeds in the real world (CO4). Please review the following cases that have serious ethical issues:
• Jayson Blair and the New York Times.
• Jonah Lehrer and the New Yorker.
• “Surfin’ USA” and “Sweet Little Sixteen.”
• Jane Goodall an her book, “Seeds of Hope: Wisdom and Wonder.”
• Janet Cooke and the Washington Post.

Choose one of the above examples and answer the following:
• Describe the plagiarism or unethical behavior that occurred.
• What was the outcome of this plagiarism or unethical behavior?
• Find another example of real world plagiarism and share it with the class.
Identify at least one law enforcement support group and explain their location, services, and what you found most helpful for law enforcement.
A local hospital’s wait time in the emergency room was 45 minutes compared to the national average of 30 minutes. Hospital leadership requested an assessment be conducted to determine what can be done to improve wait times.
• Explain how both data governance and data analytics could play a role in improving wait times.
• Provide examples and compare to the class responses.
This week, we will look into our own communities and discuss emerging diseases.
Look into health data for your community (either at the country, state, city, or county level). You can look at statistics from your local health department or websites such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Find a disease that is emerging in your community and discuss. Give the rates and the duration of the increase of this disease. What population does this disease affect most? Discuss what you think can be done to prevent further increase in this disease.

1. Incorporating the assumptions of one of the below learning theories (also feel free to research the online library, Internet etc. for information on these two theories), make an argument either for or against the insanity defense, that is, should it be allowed and or abolished…and specifically why?

Learning Theories:
– Social Learning Theory
– Sutherlands Differential Association Theory
2. Do you believe that ecological approaches have a valid place in contemporary criminological thinking? Specifically…why or why not?
Pick one (1) of the areas mentioned in the apus library and respond to the following. Number your answers and write in complete sentences. Do not include the questions in your post.
• Which area of the library did you select?
o You may not select any of the Research Guides, as we used those in last week’s discussion.
• How did you get there?
• What did you find particularly interesting or helpful about this section?
• What did you learn by exploring this section that you did not know already?
• Did anything surprise you or particularly impress you


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