write a paper thoroughly analyzing a cybersecurity breach that was primarily an attack on a ….


write a paper thoroughly analyzing a cybersecurity breach that was primarily an attack on a perimeter router or backbone router and the related switch if applicable. The paper should be between 1000 and 1500 words (4 to 5 pages) and should use APA style.

Course objectives covered in this paper/project include CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4, CO5, CO6

Research an actual cybersecurity breach that occurred recently. The main emphasis of the breach should be on the network devices and mainly boundary router and firewall, internal routers, and switches. If you have difficulty finding a recent breach, you can go back all the way to year 2000. Justify why you picked that attack. Be sure to indicate what sources report about the actual attack. In the introductory part of your paper, cite and reference any actual (factual) outcomes related to the victim organization. The remainder of the paper can be theoretical.

Speculate where the attack might have occurred and analyze the security threats within at least four different layers in the OSI model. For example, if the attack was caused by human error, explain how the attack could have occurred at four other layers within the OSI model based on the organization’s people, system, and processes. Make theoretical assumptions, supported by evidence.

Summarize and evaluate the controls and countermeasures that could have been used to prevent this attack from happening or to mitigate the consequences.

Research, review, and explain the application of network monitoring and mapping tools (such as Wireshark or nMap) to this breach.

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