Data Loss Prevention


Suggestions for the Introduction Section
Be sure to state the:

WHAT? Topic and scope (how your topic has been narrowed)

WHY? Perhaps state why you selected this topic

WHO? People and/or companies

WHERE? Location

WHEN? Timeframe

HOW? Explain in general how you are going to go about your research/This is your overall PLAN.

Since this chapter may not be finished in a Trial Project, just end the first pages with the following: [To be completed in 2015 or 201]6

Suggestions for the Literature Review Section
A Literature Review is “secondary research” where you report on information about your topic from journals, articles, textbooks, etc.

FYI, literature reviews are discussed on the following website: (Links to an external site.)

Be sure to have a separate introductory paragraph as you begin this chapter. What topics/themes/issues are you exploring in your Literature Review?

Use margin headings throughout your project, for example:

1.0 Introduction to Project

2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Introduction to Literature Review

2.2 Topic heading

2.3 Topic heading

2.4 Topic heading,

Add more if needed

2.5 Chapter Conclusions

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