Effects of motor parameters on a couple of circuits.

Now that you have become familiar with SystemVision, you are assigned to explore the effects of motor parameters on a couple of circuits. You will need to define experimental matrices that list the independent and dependent variables to be explored. In your report must include a justification of your selection of variables, rationale for testing, and recommendations of best motor parameters to use.

For this assignment, you will need to create a free account in systemvision.com.

There are two designs in the SystemVision Motors & Drivers page that you will use for your study:

A. Fan System with 3-Phase Induction Motor and Power MOSFET Drive

B. Electric Power Steering System with Ideal Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine and Drive

Open one of the designs and save it in your workspace.
Read the design description and explore the design components. You do not need to get into the details of the electronics of the circuit, but make sure to understand the general function of the design.
Select 3 independent variables among the motor properties. An independent variable is a parameter that can be controlled or set at a given value. If you are not familiar with the listed motor properties, search for information on what they are, how do they affect the motor performance, and what are typical range of values. Include any sources in the final report.
Select 3-4 dependent variables that are affected by the selected independent variables.
Prepare a Test Matrix for each independent variables. See example below. The Test Matrix will help you to keep track of the data points resulting of each iteration.
Collect data in Test Matrices. Repeat for each independent variable.
Repeat steps 5 and 6 after replacing the motor included in the the original design: in design A replace the induction motor with a synchronous motor; in design B replace the synchronous motor with an induction motor.
Repeat steps 1-7 for the second design.
Example of Test Matrix for Independent Variable X and Dependent Variables Y1, Y2, Y3. Lower case variables represent numerical values corresponding to these variables. xx values are determined by the user. yxy values are measured.

Independent Variable (Units) Dependent Variables (Units)
X Y1 Y2 Y3
x1 y11 y12 y13
x2 y21 y22 y23
x3 y31 y32 y33
LaTeX: vdots⋮ LaTeX: vdots⋮ LaTeX: vdots⋮ LaTeX: vdots⋮
Use Lab 4 to submit your 12 complete experimental matrices. Due in one week.

Use the Lab 4 report to submit your report due in 3 weeks. Your report should include:

Description of the rationale on the selection of independent variables and their ranges.
Description of the rationale on the selection of the dependent variables.
Observed general trends based on your results.
Recommendations for each circuit.
List of sources of information utilized for the variable selection.

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