Fashion Ethics and social response


During the semester, each student will be scheduled to give one five minutes presentation. Students must find an article relevant to the course (e.g., Use of animals, Sweatshops, Counterfeiting, false advertising, body image). Try to find most up-to-date article to share with the class (within 3 years).

Using PowerPoint slides, students will provide a brief summary of the article and its implications for consumers/ retailers/ marketers. Include at least 2 discussion questions. See the guideline on Beachboard.
Cover page must include: title of article, date of article, source of article, your name, student ID, date of presentation
You must turn in a PowerPoint presentation through Beachboard by 3:30 p.m. on the day of your presentation. Due dates are alphabetical by last name and are listed in the course schedule (see the Course Syllabus).
Useful resources: New York Times, Sourcing Journal, Star Trib, The Business of Fashion, Women’s wear daily, California Apparel News, Stores,
Please name your file following the course guideline (see syllabus).

Naming files: [last name][first initial] Assignment.doc (e.g.,MunJ_Indpresentation.doc)
Go to the Dropbox to submit your 5 min presentation.

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