Film Analysis



The text book is “Give me liberty! An American
History” -Eric Foner
1. Choose at least one of the following films / television programs to watch in its entirety (the whole thing):
The Vote (PBS 2-Part Film)
On the Basis of Sex
Iron Jawed Angels
Chisholm 72
RBG (2018)
2. Read the relevant chapter or chapters in the Foner textbook that cover the subject / time period in the film
you have chosen.
While you are reading take notice of how many examples given are of men and how many are of women.
When women are mentioned, are they mentioned by name? How many details are given?
3. Compare how the subject is covered in the film and textbook.
The text book is “Give me liberty! An American History” -Eric Foner
4. Review the additional material on the same subject that is included in the course packs and class
assignments. You may also want to do your own research on the subject you have chosen.
As you research the individual sub-topics that are included think about these questions: Who are the women
that are mentioned in the textbook chapter? What more can you find out about them? What sections of the
chapter do not mention any women? Who are the women who are being ignored? For example, in chapter 17
Foner describes the Anti-Imperialist League and gives a list of prominent members – all men. This description
gives the impression that the league was an all-male organization, but the league included many women,
including a women’s auxiliary.
5. Write a critical essay analyzing how the topic is portrayed in the textbook (good, bad, indifferent, etc.)
Identify strengths, and make suggestions for improvement – things to add, things to subtract, things to
rephrase, etc. Rewrite relevant sections of the textbook as needed.
Describe what examples you would replace or simply add new examples to various sections of the chapter
highlighting the contributions of women.


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