Global business environment

Global business environment

BREW; FOR garages.-
Modu’e We; Global Businesséflxiflmfl‘fl‘L 1 – r * ” ’ ‘ ’ ‘ 7
Assessment Title: Task 2: lflflidyi’ ESSLQUEW‘W r
Individual/Grou : individuaL H, 7 w r a * r 4
Submission Date: To be advised DWELW” Egg u #- fl
Task Requirements
0 Submit an individual written assignment of 2700-3000 words (excluding references)
0 The referral assignment questions are the same questions that were set for the original firstén
assignment – i.e. those listed on page 16‘
o Referred students must select a different industry and a different Question to that chosen for
their original first-sit assignment.
0 Deferred students may choose any industg and any Question from those listed On page 16.
0 You should follow the task briefing information and style guidelines listed On page 16.17
Submission requirements
0 You must submit a hard co t
Dy 0 SHIP m also upload your assagnrnent to TURNITIN,
Assessment Criteria:
o The reassessment task will be raded
2 assignment. You Are advise?! 1 against the same set of (maria med

‘ ment is in Week 24 w/c 6m Janua 2014,
The hand‘m dreadlme for me mledyal lifts’ggce to confirmc: hand-in date. ry
Please check the Assessment Diary we 5 SP
nd inf
You must submn a hard cogy of your ass:gnment to the SHIP (Student Help a ormation
Point) on the ground floor of the Stoddart burlding.
You must also u load our assi nment to Turnitin (the Internet-based plagiarism prevegtion
and detection service), Follow the link on the Blackboard Site (in the Assessment area),
Extensions can only be granted where there are extenuating circumstances and must be
arranged via a Student Support Officer (contacted via SHIP). Also inform your seminar tutor.
Style guidelines
0 Tutors wish to focus their attention on the content of your assignment, rather than its physical
appearance. Therefore. all assignments are expected to conform to the following gurdelines.
0 Marks will be deducted for poor presentation, so please aim for a professional standard.
0 Use double line spacing and leave a margin of at least 3omm on all sides. This will make it
easier for your tutor to read/mark the work and to annotate comments as they read.
0 Use a lain readable font (such as Arial, Calibri or Verdana) with a minimum font size of “pt.
0 Simply staple your assignment in the top left corner. Do not use plastic folders or binding.
0 Include a M which clearly states your full name, student number and the full and exact
title of the question you have answered.
o You should also clearly indicate an exact word count on your title page.
0 Include gage numbers.
o Use numbered headin s and sub-headin 5 throughout to clarify the structure of your
assignment and help guide the reader.
0 Include an M that clearly explains your approach to the question and previews the
Memes to be covered and explains the structure of your answer.
1 “5* mm which bn’efly summarises your key arguments and conclusions in
key question requirements, s and use clear. concise sentences with plain English wherever posfgilfle-
‘ak between each paragraph. Long. overly-complex sentences. containmg
should be avoided. Each paragraph should focus on one key theme or
8 “110 01’ tl’tul’nb. a paragraph should not normally extend beyond 10 lines
v 7. 3. Keep ‘jargon’ to a minimum and define any key academic terrns.
incur. r.- at; 1m ‘ .3 =15 .: Use correct and appropriate in-text citations;J
7 2i” : Of all Wanna/lion and ideas and include a single. integrated referennd
(in Asia-Z order by author surname). if you not unciet’fita
91MB or ask for help in the Adsetts leamung 0900‘


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