Global Health Factors

Explore the cultural context of a global health problem and consider how the structure of a health care system affects the way the problem is addressed.
Step 1: Identify a global health problem.
Choose ONE health problem that affects people around the world. (Examples are Type II diabetes, depression, a type of cancer, Tuberculosis, obesity etc.).
Step 2: Gather data.
Find scholarly sources, research and gather global data about the health problem you have identified. Find reliable statistics that support the global nature of this problem. For example, the World Health Organization posts disease and health risk prevalence data on a country-by-country basis. Searching websites of humanitarian organizations such as Doctors Without Borders, Operation Smile, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation can provide additional context about the health problem.
Step 3: Create the slide presentation.
Address the following points in your 10-12 slide presentation:
Description of the problem
• Provide a summary of the problem, and how it impacts health
• Describe the global impact of the health problem. Using statistics and other data compare the impact of the health problem in different parts of the world
Cultural nursing perspectives of the problem
• Describe the ways culture influences the risk factors, treatment and/or prognosis of the problem. Examples can be language barriers, food preparation, folk medicine usage etc. You may connect to one culture or multiple cultures in answering this prompt
• Identify one or two cultural care strategies that nurses could use to improve the health problem
Health care system impact on the problem
• Discuss how the structure of health care systems affect the way the health problem is addressed
o Compare at least two countries with different health care systems. Discuss any differences in health outcome statistics for the health problem between the two countries. Is there any evidence for why these differences or lack of differences occur?
o Consider how the structure of a health care system affects the way the problem is addressed. For example, you may discuss access to care, diagnostic and treatment options, public policies and economic considerations such as costs to the patient. This section of the assignment should be your opinion on the topic, and should include at least three talking points
• Conclusion slide

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