Health education is the key in health promotion

Health education is the key in health promotion because health promotion is always initiated by health education. According to Falkner, “Nurses are actively involved in both health promotion and health education, providing education that is necessary to help patients achieve control over the promotion of their own health” (Falkner, 2018). Educating patients about the importance of health promotion helps patients realize the importance of health promotion and motivate them to start promoting their health. Health education also keeps health promotion going as patients’ health promotion plans may need to be adjusted as their conditions change. Nursing process is utilized when developing health education. Nursing process includes assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation. Assessing patient’s knowledge by asking questions can help nurses identify how much patients already know about their conditions and what the education should focus on. Diagnosis helps the nurse to identify patient’s weaknesses. Planning refers to the process of creating a patient-specific education plan after considering individual’s situations which includes age, culture, etc. Finally implementing the education and evaluating the outcome for future improvement. A contemporary issue that a lot of American families facing is obesity. Nurses should utilize the nursing process when creating education plans for these families. The first step is always assessing. The nurse should assess the family’s knowledge about their daily diet, what is a healthy diet, and their exercise patterns. Then the nurses should find out what problems this family has and come up with an education plan that focus on these problems. After diagnosing and planning are done, the nurse should then educate the family as planed and follow up with the family to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan and make necessary adjustments.

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Do you think a lot about drugs? “This work is in APA style and need one page for question, and one page with 7 references. One page of conclusions.
Do you think a lot about drugs?
Have you ever tried to stop or reduce your drug use but could not?
Have you ever felt out of place or cannot have a nice time without drugs?
Have you ever used drugs because you are angry or upset with other people?
Have you ever used a drug without knowing what it was or what it would do to you?
Have you ever taken one drug to overcome the effects of another?
Have you ever made mistakes at work or school because you were using drugs?
Does it scare you to think that you can run out of drugs?

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