Imperiallsm and its Consequences 2. Decolonlzatlon, Change, and the Cold War

Imperiallsm and its Consequences 2. Decolonlzatlon, Change, and the Cold War

Patterson, Change and Development, ch 3 (and 4)
Patterson, Change and Development, ch 5
I am attaching Chap 4 for reference, please read because it is mentioned in a question, but summary only on 3 and 5
Description: One Chapter per page of anaylsis. Don’t waste space with “Name, Date, Course, Instruction” heading and no title separate sections with “intro and
conclusion”. Just start with analysis, Times New Roman 12 Chap 3 = pg1 (Imperialism and Its Consequences) Chap 5 = pg2 (Decolonization, Change,
and the Cold War) The reading notes should be an abstract, summarizing the author’s goals in the chapter, the main points discussed and their
interrelations, premises, and conclusions. They should NOT be merely a list of bullet points, subtitles, or incomplete sentences. You should use your first
sentence of the abstract to discuss the overall theme of the chapter and the concluding sentences to tie together the various arguments made in the
reading. The sentences between the opening and concluding sentences should layout the steps in the argument developed by the author. I will send
questions to guide the writing. Here are some issues you might want to consider as you read Patterson ch 3 Imperialism and Its Consequences: What is
imperialism? How was it reconceptualized in the late 19th and early 2oth centuries? What are its connections (a) to the spatial dimensions of industrial
capitalism; (b) to peasantries (the agrarian question); (c) to national minorities, to nationalism (the national question; and (d) to industrial and colonial
subjects? (Patterson, Change and Development, ch 3) Here are some issues you might want to consider as you read Patterson ch 5 Decolonization,
Change, and the Cold War: What is the relation between decolonization and the Third World? What is their relation to the Cold War? What wa5/i5 the Cold
War? What are the differences between modernization and economic growth theory? Do they presume idealist and materialist notions of culture? What
are uneven development, dependency, and underdevelopment? What are their presuppositions? What are they trying to explain? What was the debate
about the transition from feudalism to capitalism? Why was has it been important since the late 19405? How does it relate to uneven development and
underdevelopment? What is the connection between world systems theory and unequal exchange? Why did peasant studies, rural development, and
social revolution resurface during the 19405? Why did the national question also resurface? (Patterson, Change and Development, ch 5) ALSO (some Q’s
might be repeated, don’t know why prof did that): What is decolonization? What is the Cold War? What is the Third World? What are the interrelations of
the three? What is economic growth theory? what is modernization theory? what are their sijmilarities and differences? Are they based on econmic or
political considerations? How do they related to the Cold War and to the Third World? What is uneven development? dependency theory? and theories of
underdevelopment? How are they related to each other and to imperialism, colonialism, and the Third World? What was the debate about the transition
from feudalism to capitalism inthe 19405, and why was it important to understanding the world at that time or today? Think about the debate around
imperialism (sketched in Paterson ch 4) What is world system theory? Unequal exchange? How are they similar to and different from economic growth


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