Non-drug treatments of epilepsy

Non-drug treatments of epilepsy

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1. Each report must be printed (double space) and must not be less than 8 pages in length (excluding the face page and the references).
2. Include the title of the project and your name on the title (face) page of your report.
3. The text must be referenced adequately with page numbers where cited information exists. Examples:
a. In the text:
i. For single author: (Johnson, 2002, page 23)
ii. For two authors: (Smith & Johnson, 2002, page 124)
iii. For more than two authors: (Borasio et al., 1997; page 99). (MUST FOLLOW THIS EXAMPLE FOR CITATION)
b. In the reference section: Arrange the references alphabetically
For an article:
Borasio P.O., Pavan B .1 Fabbri E., Ginannicorradini F, Arcelli D. and Poll A (1995) Adenosine analogs inhibit acetylcholine release and cyclic AMP synthesis in the
guinea-pig superior cervical ganglion. Neuroscience Letters 184:97-100.
For a book:
Bimbaumer, L. Regulatory events at the level of membrane-bound adenylate cyclase. In Cramer, H. and Schultz, J. (eds.) Cyclic -nucleotides: Mechanism of Action. John
Wiley & Sons, New York, 1977, pp 13-36.
4. Articles from the web, newspapers, tabloids or magazines (Reader’s Digest, Time, Newsweek, etc.) are not acceptable references.
5. References must come from ACADEMIC SOURCES (NCBI, Pubmed, google scholars, publish journals, books, etc).
6. References cited must not be older than 10 years.
7. “Quotes” are not acceptable; use your own phrases.(paraphrase)
8. Do not plagiarize.
9. Be sure to run spelling and grammar check
10. Late reports will not be accepted under any circumstances.


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