With rapid and accelerating environmental change, organizations need to be responsive to change –
both internally and in how they interact with the environment.
5.1. Capabilities and Accountability
Tier 1

What is the role of marketing in helping organizations anticipate and prepare for “black swan”

How can marketing help organizations adapt after macro developments?

What strategies exist to quickly activate customer insights (agility)?

How can marketing enhance its voice in the C-suite?

How can marketing better link to finance, including measuring marketing ROI and ROE?

How should the marketing group re-organize in response to the omnichannel and data-rich

What organizational structures enable the development of new marketing skills in new
environments (such as artificial intelligence)?

Given high management and staff turnover, there is a need for continuous learning. How much
attention should be paid to the new ways as opposed to transferring over internal marketing
knowledge? What frameworks are useful for making these decisions?
Tier 2

What are ways to break down functional silos within marketing (e.g., consumer insights, sales,
product management, etc.) and between marketing and other functions of the organization?
What are the potential benefits to marketing and to the wider organization?

How should marketing be organized for start-ups?
5.2. Managing the External Marketing Environment
Tier 1

How will the COVID-19 pandemic affect the globalization of markets and supply chains?

What organizational strategies exist to optimize the collection, ingestion, and analysis of data?
How should firms organize for evidence-based marketing?

What organizational strategies exist to optimize the management of media and channels?

What are the organizational implications of platform economics and the sharing economy for

Should firms integrate to combine retail, payment, delivery, advertising, and content to exploit
synergies in customer information and sustain competitive advantage. If so, how?

How do firms restructure in the face of technological changes in payments, blockchain,
advertising, delivery and distribution, net neutrality, subscription pricing, and so forth?

What strategies enable marketers to anticipate and adapt?

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