Part of Preparation for Applied Final Project

Outside Sources Assignment for PSYC 335 (Part of Preparation for Applied Final Project Paper)
Due date: Sunday, October 6, 2019 by 11:59 pm Eastern
Total points: 6
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to get you started in gathering outside sources for your Applied Final Project Paper. Please review the part of the Syllabus that describes the Applied Final Project Paper.

  1. Find 3 outside sources that provide information about one of the personality approaches covered in this course (Trait, Biological, Psychoanalytical, Humanistic, Behavioral, Cognitive). Outside sources should not include course readings. Outside sources can be journal articles, books, or other sources, but please do not include websites. Sources may be located using Library resources as well as other resources such as Google Scholar, PubMed, and PsycINFO. The sources may pertain to theoretical perspectives within an approach, theorists who have advanced an approach, measurement and assessment instruments, and real-world applications of an approach.
  2. Provide the reference of each source in APA format. Click the links below to visit the OWL Purdue website for guidance on how to format references in APA format for:
    journal articles and other periodicals
    other print sources
  3. Describe in 2-5 sentences the type of information provided in the source and how you will use it in your Applied Final Project Paper. Use the “example outside source” below as a guide.
  4. Upload your assignment in a Word document or PDF to the assignment folder titled “Outside Sources Assignment.”
    Example outside source and explanation of how it will be used in paper:
    Rothstein, M. G., & Goffin, R. D. (2006). The use of personality measures in personnel selection: What does current research support? Human Resource Management Review, 16, 155-180. doi:10.1016/j.hrmr.2006.03.004
    This journal article presents information on an interesting and highly practical use of personality measures: the selection and hiring of employees. The authors reviewed evidence from scientific studies and industry news sources. They concluded that measures based on the Five Factor Model, as well as measures based on more narrow job-relevant traits, can be used to select employees who will perform better than others at certain jobs. The article notes various considerations that companies should take into account when using personality measures, such as the need to clearly define the job performance criteria and how they relate to personality traits, possible moderators of the effects of personality, and the potential need to avoid applicants’ faking of desirable traits by using a “faking warning” or “forced choice” types of measures. I will use this source in my paper as an example of a real world use or application of the Trait Approach to personality.
    Grading Rubric:
    Rubric for Outside Sources Assignment
    2 1 0
  5. Provided 3 outside sources and described how each will be used in the paper.
  6. Sources were appropriate for the paper.
  7. References were in proper APA format.

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