Philippine Guest Workers

Begin your paper with a brief overview of the topic. Explain why researchers, policy makers and regular people
have been concerned about this topic. Provide a brief history of the topic (i.e. the rise of school shootings or
the origins and goals of the OCW program) and some key factors that explain why it has worsened over time
(i.e. the incidence of school shootings or the abuse of OCW workers).
Filipina Guest Workers
Modern Heroes, Modern Slaves (documentary)
Full citation info:
Boti, Marie (1997) Modern Heroes, Modern Slaves, Montreal, Canada: Diffusion Multi-Monde.
Discuss at least two features of the micro-level performance of self (which can include the way people interpret
stress and alienation) that relates to your topic. Discuss at least two of the following concepts or factors and
support your discussion with at least two examples from our course readings.
Relevant readings are provided for each. Even if a reading is not directly relevant to your topic, you can still
use an example that is relevant to the concept you want to apply (and explain in your paper, how it relates to
the topic you’re writing on).
Cultural scripts (pertaining to gender, race, class, nationality, etc.)
Mahler and Kimmel “Adolescent Masculinity, Homophobia, and Violence”
Reading 29 “Dude, You’re a Fag”: Adolescent Masculinity and the Fag Discourse
Instructor Presentation Days for Feb 13, Feb 18 or April 16 (also see definition of
“Cultural Scripts” provided in the instructions for our Discussion Board
assignment on School Shootings: These slides are included because they contain
concise definitions of scripts/cultural scripts that are lacking in the readings.
Instructor presentations, however, do not count toward the two source
minimum for this part of the assignment.
Emotion work/feeling rules
Hochschild, Feeling in Sociology and the World
Reading 43, The Time Bind
The way that cultural meanings are interactively and collectively defined
Reading 10, Culture, a Sociological View
Collins, On the micro-foundations of macrosociology
Background expectancies that shape people’s behavior
Garfinkel, Studies of the Routine Grounds of Everyday Activities
Interpersonal power dynamics between dominant and subdominant social groups
Reading 15, Making It by Faking It
Reading 18, Peer Power: Clique Dynamics Among School Children
Reading 52, Bad Boys: Public Schools and the Making of Black Masculinity
Conclusion and Theoretical Discussion
Conclude your paper by briefly discussing what you think we need to better understand so that we can more
effectively solve the social problems that you described in the body of your paper.
In this discussion you should
explain how your analysis of your chosen topic relates to either functionalist theory or conflict theory
explain how this theory can help us better understand the underlying causes of the problems you discussed in
your essay (connecting to the opening discussion for this final section)
and please also take the time to define your chosen theory in your own words, using at least one example from
Citing Sources in the Body of your Essay
If you are familiar with another citation style (for example MLA or APA style) please feel free to use it. But if you
are not familiar with either of these styles, please follow these guidelines.
You should reference all sources you use in the middle or at the end of each sentence in which this information
appears. For readings from our textbook, it is OK to cite the reading number.

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