Play analysis

1. After examining the three charts on comedy (Morreall’s, Fowler’s, and “The Nature of Comedy”), choose two aspects of comedy, discuss and elaborate how these aspects are seen in Tartuffe.

2. Contrast Orgon and the king as authority figures in Tartuffe.

3. Discuss Orgon as a dynamic character in this play–what specifically and significantly changes and how can you tell?

4. There are a number of themes central to the development of Moliere’s Tartuffe. Discuss three of the themes highlighted below, demonstrate how it is developed, and determine the significance it has in relationship to underscoring the meaning of the play as a whole.

The Position / Status of Women
The reason as a Superior Guide for Human Behavior
The Tension between Religious Devotion vs. Religious Fanatics
Textbook: The Norton Anthology of World Literature, Author: Martin Puchner, Gen. Ed. Publisher: W.W. Norton & Company, Edition: 4th (Vols. D, E, and F).



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