Social and Lifespan Developmental Psychology – social paper

Assessment 1 – Social and Lifespan Developmental Psychology – social paper

•    Refer to the module descriptor sheet on NOW for the module’s learning outcomes.
•    You should keep an electronic copy of all your written pieces of work as you may be required at any stage before graduation to submit the work for testing through plagiarism detection systems.
•    Use only your student number in the document that you submit (include it as a header or footer) – do not put your name in the document.
•    If this is an undergraduate written assignment, include as an appendix all past feedback that you have received on this type of assignment at NTU (i.e. if this is an essay assignment, include an appendix with all the feedback you have had on previous essays; if this is a practical report, include all the feedback you have had on previous reports). If relevant, there will be a proforma attached to the end of this document, which you can copy and edit to include as an appendix to your assessed work. This feedback will NOT be taken into account when the grading is done – it will only be viewed after the provisional grade has been assigned.

Assessment 1 – Social and Lifespan Developmental Psychology – social paper
Assessment: 2,500 (excluding references) word essay.
The students are required to answer 2 questions from a list of 5 questions. The 5 questions are as follows:
1.    To persuade others, we should target their emotions. Discuss with reference to psychological evidence.

2.    To what extent does the psychological evidence support the claim that individuals will blindly conform or obey commands from an authority figure, even when this involves inflicting harm on others?
3.    The ‘self’ functions at both an individual and group level. Discuss social psychological findings which account for this.

4.    Aggression is an innate response in humans. Discuss using evidence from social and biological accounts.

5.    ‘Our actions are determined by our attitudes’. Discuss with reference to psychological theory and research evidence.

Students should submit the assessment as a single word processed document comprising of the answers to two questions and one references section.
During the lectures, key elements of the essay will be addressed and students will have the opportunity to ask questions about what is expected of them. If you have any queries regarding this assessment, please direct them to Maria Kontogianni.

Assessment criteria
The criteria we will use to mark/grade your work, made clear to you in advance:
The standard NTU Psychology undergraduate grading scheme will be used as the marking criteria for this work (NQF-5, NTU Grading Scheme).

Each student will receive prompt and individualised, written feedback and a grade relative to the quality of their essay, along with suggestions tailored toward the improvement of their critical evaluation and writing skills (see above for date of return of feedback and grade). Students should use these pieces of feedback, in conjunction with previous relevant feedback that they have received to improve their general academic skills. Students are asked to contact Maria Kontogianni if there is anything in their feedback that they do not understand.
How we make sure that marking/grading is fair
To ensure fairness, all assessed work is marked with reference to marking criteria and with reference to the NTU grading scheme. Furthermore, all marking of assessed work is moderated by another internal marker in line with university policy. All year 2, year 3 and postgraduate work is further sampled by external examiners. Moderation procedures will not have been completed by the time the work is returned to you. For that reason ALL grades must be regarded as provisional until ratified by the Board of Examiners.

Feedback appendix proforma
For written assignments only, copy and paste the feedback from all relevant pieces of assessed work into this proforma, in reverse chronological order, and include this as an appendix. Include only the main elements of the feedback which told you what the strengths of the piece of work were, and what you need to work on. Do not include detailed in-text or numbered comments.
Simply duplicate the ‘assignment title’ and ‘feedback’ sections below for as many pieces of feedback as you are including.

Assignment title:
[copy and paste the assignment title in here]
[copy and paste the main elements of the feedback you received for that assignment here – duplicate the ‘assignment title’ and ‘feedback’ sections as many times as necessary]


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