Statistical Application Presentation (Links to an external site.)
Click on the report, read the report, and choose one health issue from the Selected Highlights section of the re-emphasize in your presentation. Then choose 3 pieces of data from the tables to display in 3 different types of
(e.g. You must display the data in 3 different types of graphs such as a line chart, a bar graph, and a pie chart)
presentation. You should prepare a PowerPoint presentation that reviews important information from the source described below. You should include an additional source to support the introduction and conclusion of your presentation.
Description of the Methods (Example: Discuss the survey that was used in the report)
Participants, Materials, Procedures (if applicable) (what was studied)
Data Limitations
Discuss the major findings of the report for your health issue(Example: I might emphasize how pain differs am
age, and educational levels–this is found in the tables of the report).
Choose 3 pieces of data from the health issue that is of interest to you. Develop at least 3 different types of gra
charts to portray these results such as a line chart, bar graph, and pie chart.
Complete the presentation with a conclusion that discusses the importance of this data (Use an additional sou
help with this section)
The presentation is due Week 6 and will be submitted as an assignment
Introduction: This section is a review of the health issue—what it is and why it is important. The review should and well organized. Additional sources may be used for this section. These sources must be from reputable organizations supporting the health issue and reflecting current knowledge (less than 5 years old). All information be paraphrased or properly quoted on the slides; however, only minimal quotes should be included. Proper AP
citation or referencing must be included on the slides.
Method: This section indicates who the participants in the survey were, how they were surveyed, important es
procedures, and any limitations to the data.
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Graphs and Charts: This section should portray the data for the 3 conditions related to the health issue in graph charts. Students must use at least 3 different types of charts or graphs (e.g. line chart, bar graph, and pie char project.
Conclusion: This section discusses the importance of the data and relates the data to information in the intro also highlights the importance of the data to the current state of the health issue in the United States.
please use female voice for voice over

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