The benefits of writing advocating for gardening



Write a research paper about the benefits of writing advocating for gardening. Please use social media (instagram, TikTok) as the “writing” that is beneficial to advocating


Organize and compile your research into a traditional research paper that crafts and supports an argument about writing strategies and community advocacy.There are many different ways to structure a research paper, and there is no “right way’ to organize one. That being said, there are best practices for doing so.

For your paper, we are requiring you to follow a couple of those best practices (regardless of the structure you use). With that in mind, your paper should should do the following:

Include an introductory section that engages your audience and announces your purpose and your argument (i.e., how and why writing is important/helps to create change in that advocacy)
Include a section that provides background and context about the advocacy you’re looking at, as well as examples of writing in that advocacy
Include a profile of your advocate and the kind of writing they do. You should provide readers with any contextual information they need to understand your advocate and at least two concrete examples of your advocate’s writing. These can be screenshots, textual evidence, etc. This section should also explain how the examples–whether directly or distantly–affect change for the target community
. A conclusion that leaves readers with takeaways, insights, and/or paths forward for encountering, examining, or even doing advocacy writing.

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