The biomedical basis of disease

The biomedical basis of disease

Order Description

The assignment will discuss the clinical management in the context of the underlying disease process and altered biology with reference to the full range of steps required in an appropriate disease management strategy.
It is expected that full and effective use will be made of the available evidence base.

( i have chosen to write about diabetes )

The learning outcomes are important to consider whilst preparing your assignment
• Analyse the relationship between underlying disease processes and the clinical interventions employed to counter their effects
• Critically explore the science behind techniques of screening, diagnosis and treatment used in contemporary health care
• Appreciate the value of evidence-based clinical practice through considering the linkage between basic scientific research and decision making in disease management
This means that you need to address the underlying biology of the disease process in question (possible causative factors, effects on the cells/organs/body, effectiveness of the body’s defence/repair processes). You also need to show that you understand the science behind any available screening/diagnostic tests and the therapeutic approaches available. You then need to bring these together using research evidence to demonstrate the relationship between the underlying disease process and the disease management techniques employed to counteract it. The sources that you cite in your writings should mostly be peer-reviewed journal articles or other legitimate academic sources such as WHO data, NICE reports or Cochrane reviews. One or two non-academic sources (e.g. BBC or other media) are permissible to add flavour and perhaps give a feel for public opinion but they should not be used to make or support scientific statements.
The highest marked pieces will, in addition to demonstrating a sound knowledge of the subject matter, show signs of critical analysis in the presentation of evidence and originality in the interpretation of key issues.


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