The popular business leaders

Chapter 4 – The Leader as an Individual
Chapter 7 – Followership
Chapter 9 – Leadership Communication
Chapter 10 – Leading Teams.
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INSTRUCTIONS: Please read the popular business leaders’ examples given in the below textboxes and answer the following questions using the provided resources, your course textbook
& your own ideas/insights based on the online learning sessions/interactions:
Section A – Chapter 4 – Leader as an Individual (2×10 = 20 Points)
Craig Newmark and Jim Buckmaster, Craigslist
The classified advertising Web site Craigslist is used by tens of millions of people a day, but founder Craig Newmark
and CEO Jim Buckmaster continue to confound the business world. Why? Because making money is not one of their
values. When asked how the company planned to maximize revenue, Buckmaster replied that it “wasn’t part of the
goal.” Craigslist doesn’t charge a fee for posting on most types of listings, nor does it take a cut of successful
transactions, such as eBay does. Wall Street analysts suggest that the company could earn half a billion dollars a year
by running banner advertising. The “nerd values” that guide Craigslist are reflected in the leaders’ personal lives.
They both admit they live comfortably, but Newmark drives an aging Toyota and Buckmaster doesn’t even own a
car. “We know a lot of rich guys and they are no happier than anyone else,” says Newmark. “Money has become a
burden to them. That reinforces the values that Jim and I share, about living simply.”

  1. Explain Values. What are Newmark and Buckmaster’s end values? Discuss.
  2. In chapter 4 we spoke about Hermann’s Whole Brain Model. Do you believe understanding your thinking
    preferences according to the whole brain model (Hermann’s Whole Brain Model) can help you be a better
    leader? Discuss.
    Section B – Chapter 7– Followership (2×10 = 20 Points)
  3. In chapter 7 we spoke about different strategies used for managing up (managing the relationship and
    influencing your superior). Describe the strategy for managing up that you most prefer. Explain.
  4. Why is followership important in the discussion of leadership? Discuss.
    Section C – Chapter 9 – Leadership Communication (2×15 = 30 Points)
    Alan Mulally, Ford Motor Company
    Communicate, communicate, communicate,” says Alan Mulally, CEO of Ford Motor Company. “Everyone has to
    know the plan, its status, and areas that need special attention.” Mulally’s emphasis is on open and honest
    communication. When he arrived at Ford, there were only six or seven people reporting directly to the top leader,
    but Mulally quickly changed that to include every functional discipline on the executive team, because “everybody
    had to be involved.” He instituted color coding for reports: green for good, yellow for caution, and red for problems.
    In the beginning, managers were all coding their operations reports green. Mulally bluntly said “You . . . know, we
    lost a few billion dollars last year. Is there anything that’s not going well?” Manager Mark Fields admitted
    production problems with a new car model. The whole place was deathly silent . . . then Mulally started clapping and
    told Fields how much he appreciated his honesty.
  5. How does Mulally foster an open communication climate? Explain the meaning of communicating with candor.
  6. Why is leader communication crucial during a crisis? Discuss.
    Section D – Chapter 10 – Leading Teams (2×15 = 30 Points)
    In a study of 52 virtual teams in 15 leading multinational companies, London Business School researchers found that
    Nokia’s teams were among the most effective, even though they were made up of people working in several
    different countries, across time zones and cultures. What makes Nokia’s teams so successful? Nokia leaders are
    careful to select people who have a collaborative mindset, and they form many teams with volunteers who are
    highly committed to the task or project. The company also tries to make sure some members of a team have worked
    together before, providing a base for trusting relationships. Making the best use of technology is critical.
  7. Explain virtual teams in Nokia. Why is being a team leader more challenging when people are scattered
    (distributed) in different geographical locations?
  8. Explain the task specialist role and socioemotional role as important roles for achieving team effectiveness.

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