21st Century Management

According to Cascio (2016), managers who are skilled in managing people provide a competitive advantage for the 21st century organizations. Although human resource professionals offer guidance and support, it is the employees’ direct managers who have the greatest impact on productivity, engagement and morale. Effective managers in all functional specialties recognize the challenges of managing people today and how to address them. In a 3 — 4 page paper, examine the significant people management challenges your organization (or one with which you are familiar) faces, and what the organization and you as a manager can do to meet those challenges to enhance productivity, engagement and morale. A well-constructed paper will cite and reference 3 or more sources and include the following elements: • Identify two significant people management challenges you and/or your organization face, and the potential impact of these challenges on organizational success. • Recommend 2 actions such as new programs or policies the organization should take to address the people management challenges • Discuss 2 – 3 specific actions or behaviors you as a manager of people can take to enhance employee productivity, engagement and morale. • Describe 2 insights you gained into effective people management and the manager’s role in encouraging employee productivity and engagement.

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