3 part forum week 2

This is a two part assignment, and should be handed in separately, in two different word documents, also please don’t for get the 2 questions to the class on each part….

Part 1.
For you to succeed in even a general education science course like this one, it will likely require all of us to work together. Even the greatest scientific minds of the past and present didn’t and don’t work alone. So, let’s start that process here and now.
For this topic, you will select two problems from the Chemistry: Atoms First, OpenStax text (in the attached link there is a book), one problem from each of the following two problem sets:
1) Chapter 2: Problems 42-61; Chapter 9: Problems 4-13.
2) Chapter 2: Problems 11-12; 16-19; 22-33; 37-40; Chapter 3: Problems 87-94.
Select the problems from the chapter of the text for this week’s Lesson and solve and discuss them with the rest of us.
You need to:
*show work to find solution (take a picture of your working/problem solving)
*explain in the text how you approached and worked through the problem
Notice! The first person to post a thread on the Forum with his/her problems in the subject line will be the only one to receive credit for the assignment should their be duplicate choices. Therefore, you should be sure no one has already chosen the problems you wish to investigate.
If you cannot solve the problem at first, no worries, your classmates and myself will give you help you along and you can edit your problem until it is due. If you are having trouble, show your work and explain where you are getting stuck.
Ideally, you will choose problems that you had a hard time solving until something clicked (which you would then explain–what you figured out that you did wrong, etc.). Either way, you should lead a discussion about the problem. This will help everyone go through the thought process of these problems, see different ways that students set them up, compare approaches, maybe learn new strategies and hints, recognize mistakes, etc.
Remember, you are not getting graded on whether you solve the problems correctly, but rather the attempt you make and the discussion you have with us related to it. So it will likely be more beneficial to you to select challenging problems with which you need help as opposed to easy ones that you can already solve.
These problems and their discussions will be included together in one post. After you decide which problems you would like to discuss, start a thread in the Topic 1 Forum. You need not fill in the content—only begin a thread with a subject line that includes your name and the problems you will be discussing. When you are ready to fill in the details of the post, you can simply go back into your post and click “Edit” and put the information into your post. By starting your post, you are claiming your problems and no other student is allowed to choose the same problems.
Also what two questions(35 words each) do You have for the class on this topic..? (keep this separate from the above essay.)

Part 2.

Physical Fitness, Childhood Obesity, Healthy Weight
Select ONLY ONE question listed below to write an essay for this week’s discussion forum.

1. Describe some of the negative consequences of anabolic steroid use. How do “andro” and creatine differ?

2. Childhood obesity is becoming an epidemic in our society today. What do you feel has contributed to this problem, and list a minimum of three ways to combat this problem you personally think would work.

3. Give four examples of how and why environmental factors can influence the amount the average person consumes.

Initial Response: Initial responses should be no less than 200 words in length not including your reference(s) and supported by at least two academic peer-reviewed/scholarly references. Initial responses are due no later than 11:55 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Day 3 of each week. This allows time for other students to respond to your initial response. Please be aware that just “cutting and pasting” sections of articles (in lieu of writing an original initial post) is not acceptable and will negatively impact your grade.

Also what two questions(35 words each) do You have for the class on this topic..? (keep this separate from the above essay.)

Part 3
Assignment Instructions
NOTE. There is no need to repeat each question. There are two parts to this assignment.
Part 1 you should answer each question. Part 2 you should respond to the question ” What did you learn about yourself from completing the questionnaire”?

Part 1
Please complete questionnaire: http://www.medicinenet.com/diet_and_nutrition_quiz/quiz.htm

Part 2

What did you learn about yourself from completing the self-assessments.

Responses should be a minimum of 200 words.

This question has been answered.

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