Critically examine the value of brand semiotics marketing in the contemporary hospitality sector.
This is how and when you will be given feedback on your performance…
• formative feedback will be given on an ongoing basis as required;
• formative feedback will be given regarding the structure of the assignment;
• formal written feedback and marks will be provided at the end of the module for the completed assignment
To achieve a pass, you will…
• have to develop the ability to work individually to research, prepare and present sector specific marketing information;
• have to research a particular marketing concept/practice in depth in the literature and be able to apply the chosen concept/practice to sector. This review should be critical and analytical rather than descriptive;
• have the ability to present your written work in a fluent style, with competent referencing.
• Journal of Marketing
• European Journal of Marketing
• Journal of Consumer Research
• Journal of Marketing Management
• Journal of Social Marketing
• Marketing Intelligence and Planning
• Marketing Theory
• Psychology & Marketing
• Journal of Brand Management
• Journal of Consumer Behaviour
• Consumption Markets and Culture
• Journal of Consumer Culture
• Journal of Marketing Research
• The Journal of Services Marketing
• International Journal of Research in Marketing
• Social Marketing Quarterly
• Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing
• Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management
• Journal of Consumer Policy
• World Advertising Research Centre
• Marketing Week
• Cases in Public Health Communication and Marketing
Recommended Texts
Tresidder, R & Hirst, C. (2012) Marketing in Food, Hospitality, Tourism and Events: A Critical Approach; Goodfellow Publishers
Solomon, M. Marshal, G., Stuart, E. et al. (2013) Marketing: Real People, Real Decisions, 2nd European Edition; Prentice Hall, London
Penaloza, L., Toulouse, L., & Visconti, L (eds) (2011) Marketing Management a Cultural Perspective, Routledge
Hollensen, S. (2010) Global Marketing: A Decision Orientated Approach, Prentice Hall
Hastings, G & Domegan, C (2014). Social marketing: From tunes to symphonies. [online]. London, Routledge. (For Nutrition with Public Health Management)
Supplementary and Alternative Texts
Oswald, L (2012) Marketing Semiotics; Signs, Strategies and Brand Value, Oxford University Press
Baker, M.J. (2000) Marketing Strategy and Management (3rd Edition), Macmillan
Baker, M.J. (ed) (2003) The Marketing Book (7th Edition), Butterworh Heinemann
Bradley, F. (2001) International Marketing Strategy (4th Edition) Prentice Hall
Christopher, M. Payne, A. and Ballantyne, D. (1997) Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service, and Marketing Together, Butterworth Heinemann
De Pelsmacker, P., Geuens, M., Van den Bergh, J. (2007) Marketing communications, A European perspective (3rd Edition), Prentice Hall
Doole, I. and Lowe, R. (2004) International Marketing Strategy Analysis, Development and Implementation, Thompson Learning
Horner, S. and Swarbrooke, J. (2007) Consumer Behaviour in Tourism (2nd Edition) Butterworth Heinemann
Hsu, C.H.C. and Powers, T (2002) Marketing Hospitality, Wiley
Gilligan, C. and Wilson, R.M.S. (2003) Strategic Marketing Planning, Butterworth Heinemann
Jeannet, J.P. and Hennessy, H.D. (2004) Global Marketing Strategies (6th Edition) Houghton Mifflin
Kotler, P. (2000) Marketing Management Prentice Hall
Kotler, P., Bowen, J., Makens, J. (2006) Marketing for hospitality and tourism (4th Edition) Prentice Hall
Lancaster, G. and Reynolds, P. (2002) Marketing, Macmillan
Lovelock, C., Wirtz, J., Chew, P. (2009) Essentials of services marketing, Prentice Hall
Mercer, D. (1998) Marketing Strategy: The Challenge of the External Environment, Sage Publications
Middleton, T.C. (2001) Marketing in Travel and Tourism (3rd Edition), Butterworth Heinemann *(All Tourism students) NB: 2009 Edition available use if possible.
Nyheim, P., McFadden, F., Connolly, D. (2005) Technology strategies for the hospitality industry, Prentice Hall, London
Paliwoda, S.J. (2003) International Marketing (4th Edition), Butterworth Heinemann
Solomon, M., Bamossy, G., Askegaard, S. and Hogg, M. (2010) Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective; Prentice Hall, London
Usunier, J.C. and Lee, J.A. (2005) Marketing Across Cultures, Pearson Education
Westwood, J. (2000) How to Write a Marketing Plan, (2nd Edition), Kogan Page
Periodicals – The following journals are indicative only – you will find that the library subscribes to a wide range of journals, with many available online.
Journal of Marketing
Journal of Retailing
Journal of Consumer Research
Annals of Tourism Research
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing
Cornell Hotel & Restaurant Administration Quarterly.
European Journal of Marketing
International Journal of Marketing
Journal of Marketing Management
Journal of Brand Management
Marketing Intelligence and Planning
International Industry Report Sources (All available in library, please collect library guide on Hospitality Management International and Global Information Sources, a copy will also be available on Blackboard)
Passport Global Market Information Database
Mintel Global Market Navigator
Key Note
Mintel Oxygen – Travel & Tourism, new China Reports
Business Source Premier
International Company Information Sources
PI Navigator
Business Source Premier
Nexis UK
NB – There are many internet resources available however, be cautious when using these and ensure that they are legitimate and valid sites
Module Title: Marketing
Assessment Title: Critical Written Review
Weighting: 100% (4000 words)
Marketing Assessment
4000 Word Critical Review (Essay Format)
Critically examine the value of brand semiotics marketing in the contemporary hospitality sector.
Structure of this essay
1. Introduction (300 words)
2.Critical review of the current state in the literature on brand semiotics theories. (1300 words)
3. A review of brand semiotics concept/ practice has/ is being/ being/ in contemporary hospitability industry. (1400 words)- with some examples analysis
4. Critical the value of brand semiotics practice /practice whilst marking recommendations for its use in the further. (1000 words)
5.Conclusion (200-300 words)
You should carry this out in three stages:
1. A critical review of the current state of thinking in the literature on your marketing concept/practice.
(1,500 words)
2. A review of how your marketing concept/practice has/is been/being embedded in organisations/initiatives in your sector.
(1,500 words)
3. Critique the value of your marketing concept/practice whilst making recommendations for its use in the future.
(1,000 words)
Assessment criterion 1 – Structure 10%
70+% 56-69%% 40-55% below40%
Excellent integration of introduction, main body of review & conclusion.
Very well developed and logical argument with creative links between ideas/sections.
Arguments in a logical sequence. Good integration of introduction, main body of review & conclusion.
Well developed and logical argument with clear links between ideas/sections.
Arguments largely in a logical sequence. Some integration of introduction, main body of review & conclusion.
A developed and logical argument with links between ideas/sections.
Arguments often listed rather than in a logical sequence. Poor integration of introduction, main body of review & conclusion.
Arguments often not in a logical sequence.
Assessment criterion 2 – Presentation Style 10%
70+% 56-69%% 40-55% below40%
Very high academic & professional standard.
Creative & stimulating. Good academic & professional standard.
Creative & interesting. Appropriate academic & professional standard.
Engaging but obvious. Below an appropriate academic & professional standard.
Fails to engage.
Assessment criterion 3 – Quality of Arguments 50%
70+% 56-69%% 40-55% below40%
Comprehensive review of the current literature on your marketing concept/practice*.
Draws on a wide range of sources. Literature is fully analysed and evaluated.
A thorough and insightful review of how your marketing concept/practice* is embedded within organisations/initiatives in your sector.
A thorough analysis of the value of your marketing concept/practice* for your organisation/initiative.
Recommendations are comprehensive and creative. Good quality review of the current literature on your marketing concept/practice*. Draws on a range of sources. Literature is clearly analysed and evaluated.
A clear and detailed review of how your marketing concept/practice* is embedded within organisations/initiatives in your sector.
A clear and detailed analysis of the value of your marketing concept/practice* for your organisation/initiative.
Recommendations are comprehensive.
A general review of the current literature on your marketing concept/practice* with some analysis and evaluation. Draws on main theories and concepts.
A review of how your marketing concept/practice* is embedded within organisations/initiatives in your sector.
The value of your marketing concept/practice* for your organisation/initiative is reasonably analysed.
A range of relevant recommendations are presented.
Limited and superficial review of the current literature on your marketing concept/practice*. Mostly fails to explore key theories and concepts.
A limited and superficial review of how your marketing concept/practice* is embedded within organisations/initiatives in your sector.
Limited and superficial analysis of the value of your marketing concept/practice* for your organisation/initiative.
Recommendations are limited in scope and superficial in nature.
* = Marketing concept/practice to be agreed with your tutor from the selection offered in the brief
Assessment criterion 4 – Research 30%
70+% 56-69% 40-55% below40%
Evidence of wide & appropriate research.
Draws on a wide range of theories and sources. High quality sources used.
Accurate referencing with comprehensive reference list. Evidence of wide & appropriate research.
Draws on the main theories and sources. Generally high quality sources used.
Accurate referencing with appropriate reference list. Evidence of appropriate research.
Draws on relevant theory. Some high quality sources used.
Accurate referencing with reference list. Little evidence of appropriate research.
Little reference to ideas or theory.
Inaccurate referencing. Limited reference list.