To use communication, information design skills, report and technical writing within the IT environment.



To use communication, information design skills, report and technical writing within the IT environment.


1 You work for a software company and your manager has asked you to create a website on which to upload a new game you are developing which you can present to
the board of the company.   You are to research existing websites of other companies who are doing similar work.
2 Use your favourite web browser to locate THREE websites.
Prepare a report for your manager where you will report your Findings and make some Recommendations on how to develop the most effective website, including the best
features to attract users.
choose THREE of the following topic areas that are design features of an effective website that attracts and clearly communicates with users, keeps them on the site
and ensures they return:
• First impressions:  What design principles should a homepage use to impress users?  How fast should a site download?  What should be considered when choosing a
domain name?• Content:  How should web pages be formatted?  How are the needs of the target audience met?  Why do web sites need regular updating?• Visual appeal:  How should web pages be laid out?  What do you need to consider in terms of colours, fonts, backgrounds and graphics?• Navigation:  Why are site maps and search facilities important?  What needs to be considered when designing links?• Communication: Is the language clear to your audience?  Can one follow any instructions easily? How relevant is the information? • Usability: How accessible is the website information?  Is the identity of the company clear? Is it easy to navigate?
(Do not include information on general internet points such as history, technical details or e-commerce information).


Secondary ResearchAt least 5 sources required in the Reference List for maximum marks.
To demonstrate your referencing skills you must include a range of digital secondary sources, e.g. • Online journals or periodicals• EBL• Internet articles
(Wikipedia, personal communication and course notes are not acceptable sources).

Primary Research• Find THREE gaming websites that you feel demonstrate good and/or bad design principles and integrate these into the findings section as examples to illustrate
your points.• In referring to these, name the business (place the URL in brackets after this only the first time it is mentioned).• DO NOT include in the reference list.• Analyse the sites in-depth, giving reasons why they are effective or ineffective by comparing to the design principles discussed in your findings.
Remember, your Research will be reported as your Findings, so make sure that you record the information accurately and in your own words.


• Divide findings into THREE subsections with headings (E.g. Advantages; Reading and writing style; First impressions; Content; Visual Appeal; Navigation, etc). • To achieve the best results, you need to write a maximum of 9 paragraphs (at least TWO paragraphs per subheading).• Each point must clearly be linked to an in-text reference (citation) that matches a full reference in the list at the end (using APA 6thed).  Failure to do
this will result in no marks for the paragraph as this is regarded as plagiarism.  • Use primary research as examples of points.  Integrate this into the paragraphs containing secondary information rather than a separate paragraph.
[N.B. Marks will only be given for points relevant to the topics chosen, that are clearly and correctly referenced, and in correct paragraph format].

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