Rear window movie reflection


Rear window movie reflection


Write a three to five page essay that is double-spaced and has a title and your name at the top. The title should be something interesting, not just ″Rear Window.″
Please be sure you have at least two outside sources and that you have five adjective clause sentences and underline them. The essay is worth 100 points. For this
assignment, write a three to five page essay in which you explore Jefferies’ immobility and his need to live vicariously through the lives of his anonymous neighbors,
and most importantly, why he becomes obsessed with the potential murder of a woman across the courtyard. Is Jeffries overreacting to circumstantial evidence
surrounding the disappearance of Thorwald’s wife to avoid exploring some harsh truths about his own future, or is the photographer justified in putting Thorwald and
Lisa to the test to investigate a serious wrongdoing? Note that Hitchcock chooses to film nearly the entire film through Jeffries’ apartment window; therefore, our
viewpoints are influenced by Jeffries himself. In thinking about Jeffries and his observations, ask yourselves these thought-provoking questions — Does Jeffries see
himself or Lisa in any of his neighbors? Do their lives become more important than his own? Does the photographer lead you to believe that he is better than his
neighbors because he is well-traveled, or is he simply hiding behind the lens of life and not really participating in it? In shaping your essay, keep in mind the
elements of film noir, especially how Hitchcock uses contrasting images and unconventional camera angles to develop the plot and characters in the film. Please be sure
you have at least two outside sources and that you have five adjective clause sentences and underline them. The essay is worth 100 points.

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