Select a market for a product or service, then identify at least one critical determinant of demand or supply in that selected market and forecast a reasonable future change in the determinant.



These “determinants” are also called “shifters” in our textbook. Explain the changes in equilibrium price and quantity you expect for that market. Use a graph to
illustrative that you fully comprehends this week’s material. Give liable reference for information
Hint: To economists, the word “determinant” has special significance. Please pay particular attention to the listed determinants in Chapter 3 prior to posting
housing market
information technology
music industry
mobile phone
crude oil
smart watches
ice cream market
Discussion 2
Identify a particular industry (non-government) that meets the criteria for Pure Competition or Monopoly. Explain clearly why you think the industry is in Pure
Competition or is a Monopoly and evaluate it from perspectives of efficiency and equity. You may post to both categories, but are required to only select one. Keep in
mind there are four market structures and we study Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly next week. Read the Discussion Instructions for Week 4 and identify the
market characteristics, productive efficiency, allocative efficiency, and equity in the particular industry that you selected. Give liable reference for information


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