Founding teams


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Furthering your knowledge of the stages of development for teams means you will be a more effective leader of teams. How do you know what stage the team is in? How do you advance the team to the
next stage to keep them on task? The ability to recognize what is happening in a team provides you the ability to lead an effective team that accomplishes the task it has been given.
Prepare for your case study by reading Investic Founding Team, and then assess the nature of Investic’s founding team., respond to the following:
Examine the advantages/benefits of Investic forming a founding team.
Assess the foundation of the team and determine if you think it is strong. Explain.
What does each team member bring to the team environment?
Analyze Nicholas’s leadership. What else should he be doing to ensure the success of the team?
Parse what you learned from Investic’s experience, and discuss one thing that makes a great team and at least one mistake to avoid.


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