Phosphorylation effect on its aggregation using immunoblotting technique

Phosphorylation effect on its aggregation using immunoblotting technique

The post is a combination of two assignments

1 Allied Health Community Media Scenario

2 Phosphorylation effect on its aggregation using immunoblotting technique

Assignment 1

Allied Health Community Media Scenario

Order Description
Allied Health Community Media Scenario
The ability to communicate, interact with different cultures, and think critically is essential in the medical field. The interactive media scenario you will use for
this assignment illustrates a situation that could easily arise when working in health care. To complete this assignment:

Examine how the described problem might happen in your facility and the impact it could have. Work through this situation by examining all of the choices presented in
the scenario.
When you get to the end of the scenarios, one scenario will have the word “Transcultural” on the top right corner. Click on “Transcultural.” Read the scenario and
answer the four questions that are provided.
While APA format is not required for this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA
documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide located in the Student Success Center.

Assignment 2

Phosphorylation effect on its aggregation using immunoblotting technique

Research proposal talking about the TAU protein and study the phosphorylation effect on its aggregation by using immunoblotting technique and fluorescence technique to
compare the result and the heparin effect on the protein and if it cause the protein to aggregate or it just induce the phosphorylation reaction and accelerate the
accumulation of the protein.
Since the protein is large protein choose part of it isomers to work this on
– in text citation
– no plagiarism
– do not paraphrase one or two articles based on the topic.

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