Tobacco legislation

Tobacco legislation

The post contains two asighnments

1 History of tobacco legislation

2 Pharmacy chemotherapeutics

Asighnment 1

history of tobacco legislation

Order Description

Create a presentation on the history of tobacco research, tobacco policy, management of tobacco use in society, lobbying of tobacco legislation, and occupation
legislation on tobacco use in the workplace.

Have enough depth to provide the viewer with an understanding of the history of current occupational tobacco policy. In addition to the content on the PowerPoint
slides, include notes on each slide explaining the bullet points to provide complete information.

4. Interpret results of data analysis for public health research, policy, or practice.
5. Compare the organization, structure, and function of health care, public health, and regulatory systems across national and international settings.
8. Apply awareness of cultural values and practices to the design or implementation of public health policies or programs.
11. Select methods to evaluate public health programs.
12. Discuss multiple dimensions of the policy-making process, including the roles of ethics and evidence.
14. Advocate for political, social, or economic policies and programs that will improve health in diverse populations.
15. Evaluate policies for their impact on public health and health equity.
19. Communicate audience-appropriate public health content, both in writing and through oral presentation.
20. Perform effectively on interprofessional teams.

Learning Objective:
1. Summarize how a determinant of health has impacted occupational health.

Asighnment 2

pharmacy chemotherapeutics

Order Description

Translation of chemotherapeutics from the experimental setting in vitro to the provision of pharmaceutical care of patients.

Student 1 – The drug in focus is cisplatin (platinum family)
Student 2 – The drug in focus is docetaxel (taxane family)
Student 3 – The drug in focus is epidoxorubicin (anthracycline family)
Student 4 – The drug in focus is AG1478/gefitinib (tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) family)

The % contribution to the final mark is shown in brackets

Section 1 – Introduction to Report (25%) (400 words)
Using literature searching approaches and the evidence base write in your own words an introductory section to your report that identifies the key background themes
associated with malignant disease and its management covering 4 key themes of;
• Background to disease, disease statistics and overview of cancer,
• Cellular and molecular feature of cancer,
• Current treatments to lead into background to the four key chemotherapeutic used in experiment – their mechanism of action and expected phenotypic outputs.
• Focus on one/’your’ drug

Aims: Add the ‘Aims’ of your report to this introductory section. (100 words)

Section 2 – Results (15%) (cell viability assay in vitro; main results text; 100 words)
Using descriptive text (written in the past tense) report your experimental outcomes integrating a bar graph (Figure 1) and legend that identifies all controls and
conditions developed in the experiment. Identify the outcomes of curve fitting for your ‘own’ drug (Figure 2) of the four from the experiment, displaying as a
concentration response curve and report the IC50 /pIC50 values for your ‘own’ drug.

Rank order of potency: (30 words) Identify the calculated IC50 /pIC50 values for the other three drugs and identify a rank order of potency for the four drugs
collectively used in this experimental setting.

Section 3: Physicochemical properties/ADMET issues (15%) (100 words)
Small molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors can be administered orally once daily, whereas cisplatin, taxol or epidixorubicin, is only administered by i.v. injection or
infusion. By accessing the scientific literature, quantify and describe the key ADME parameters that determine why these drugs have different routes of administration.

Section 4: Formulation/Delivery (10%)
The “Ringsdorf model” has been developed to improve the performance of small molecular weight drugs, including anticancer drugs. List (i) 3 advantages such a
macromolecular carrier approach can address and (ii) 3 requirements that need to be met to develop a successful Ringsdorf model.

With the aid of a diagram show the key features of the “Ringsdorf model”. Label all components of your diagram.

Section 5: Safety/QAC (15%) (100 words)
For the chemotherapy agent/drug class you are considering, briefly outline the relevant microbiological Quality Control tests as they are specified in the British
Pharmacopoeia Appendix XVI. Indicate why you would expect these drugs to fail the initial validation tests and what you would propose to address this issue.

Section 6: Pharmaceutical Care and Practice (15%) (100 words)

Patients with cancer often experience GI tract complications associated with either their treatment or progressing disease. Describe the management options for
treating opioid-induced nausea and vomiting and constipation in a cancer patient.

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