Forces driving Globalisation

Forces driving Globalisation

The post is a combination of two asighnments

1: Forces driving Globalisation “

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The Business Management Summative Assessment Assignment Brief is now available in the "Module & Assessment Information" section on KEATS. The deadline
for this assignment is 5th February 2018.

Your tutors will talk through the assignment brief in class, but do note the following guidance:

open question, allowing a wide range of effective answers, but good answers are likely to have the following features:

A clear structure, with an introduction, main body, and conclusion.
Evidence of having engaged with Theodore Levitt’s 1983 Harvard Business Review article, "The globalization of markets".
A definition of globalisation.
Description of some drivers of globalisation: Communications, Transportation, Technology (perhaps linked to Comms and Transport), Converging Consumer Tastes, Trade
Liberalisation, etc.
Description of some features and results of globalisation: increased trade, global markets/production, increased competition, shifting employment patterns, etc.
A discussion of a technology-driven example of industry or market disruption such as Music (Apple), Retail (Amazon, Ebay, Alibaba), Transport (Easyjet, Uber), Admin
(Microsoft), Entertainment (Netflix), Finance (Bitcoin), Advertising (Google), Gambling (Bet365). There are countless possible choices, and you can use more than one.
But you will need to take care how you define the industry or market you are discussing, and ensure any examples are discussed in sufficient detail. There will be some
discussion of the nature of the disruption (disintermediation and/or intermediation, network effects), and its results (market growth, employment shifts,
reduced/increased choice and competition, winner takes all markets, etc.).
A clear evaluation of how likely it is that globalisation will continue – definitely/probably/possibly continue/stop/reverse. This judgement should be linked to some
features of the case you have discussed, though you may also feel able to bring in other geopolitical considerations.

2: The social work intervention with adolescents

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select one of the websites listed in “Online Resources” from either Chapter 3 on page 91 or from Chapter 4 on page 118. Write a 1 – 2 page paper, using the latest APA
writing style guidelines, that includes the following information about the selected site:
a) the overall purpose of the site,
b) the resources available to social workers on the site, and
c) how these resources can be specifically used in either the social work assessment of or the social work intervention with adolescents – make certain to fully
reference the site in a separate reference page and create three headings in the paper that match the three required areas of information.

Some adolescents go to a professional social worker because their parents “make them.” When this happens, how can a social worker openly address this issue with the
teenager? Explain your answer. What barriers might the social worker expect during this frank discussion? Explain your answer.

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