Frankenstein Bibliotherapy

The following post has two assignments namely;

1.Frankenstein Bibliotherapy

As you read Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein, it becomes apparent that Victor’s creature is an intelligent, educated being. His education is derived from the books he discovers while he is in hiding near the De Lacey’s (chapters 14–16). Each of these selections contributes to the personality of the Creature. In fact, he uses them to explain how they contribute to his evil deeds and his ultimate downfall.
1. Identify the four works and their authors (include books read aloud).
2. Using the appropriate resources such as Masterplots, encyclopedias, etc., determine the main focus of each of the works read by the Creature.
3. Write a two-page paper (double-spaced) describing how you would change the Creature by changing his reading material.


1. Name all considerations that go into treatment of head & neck cancer sites:
2. What is the most common site of distant metastasis for all tumors of the head and neck region?
3. The most frequently occuring cancers of the head and neck region arise in which area?
4. The most common type of cancers affecting the head and neck region:
a. Arise from which types of cells and tissues?
5. The most significant risk factors for H&N cancers:
6. Discuss viruses and cancers as they relate to the head and neck, discuss specific viruses and the cancers they cause:
7. Discuss lymphatic drainage in the head and neck region
a. Patterns of spread for all cavities and pharynx
b. Whether spread is sided or bilateral
c. Node regions involved per site from first node group affected to termination
d. Discuss locations and drainage of the pertinent nodes from the slides
8. Discuss the grading system of H&N cancers and all levels
9. Discuss the subcategories of nasopharyngeal carcinomas that are staged T4
10. Discuss the borders and components of each of the following:
a. Nasal cavity
b. Nasopharynx
c. Oral cavity
d. Oropharynx
e. Larynx
f. Hypopharynx
11. Discuss genetic syndromes that can be attributable to cancers in the head and neck region
12. Discuss the levels of neck dissection and other surgical procedures used for treatment and staging of head & neck cancer
13. Discuss the clinical aspects of treating cancers of the head and neck, for example:
a. Setup considerations for each site
b. Beam positioning and treatment approaches
c. Organs at risk per site
d. Doses for treatment and for onset of side effects
e. Immobilization and techniques including conventional approaches and IMRT
14. Discuss cancers of the glottis and their unique prognostic and treatment features as opposed to other treatments within the head and neck region

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