Capitalism and Democracy

Capitalism and Democracy

The post comprises two asighnments

1:Are capitalism and democracy good for each other?

2: Concept vs Content Carriculum

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-Each question can be a page and a half long -There doesn’t need to be an introduction or conclusion.
-Follow instructions below

Argument for a Concept-Based Curriculum-
Your College of Nursing is transitioning to a new curriculum. Your faculty group is recommending moving to a concept-based curriculum from the current content-based
curriculum. Defend your faculty group’s decision by locating at least three current articles (within 5 years unless it is a seminal article) from peer reviewed
journals – one must be a research based article – related to concept-based curriculums. Synthesize these articles into a concise argument for why the concept-based
curriculum would be better than the current content-based curriculum. Post your synthesis to the discussion board. Post references per APA format.

3:Review the most recent IRS Examples of Employment Tax Fraud Investigations page here:

Discuss one of the cases, including what might have allowed the fraud to be perpetrated and what internal controls should have been in place to prevent the fraud from

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