Primate Observation

Primate Observation

The post contains two asighnments

1:Primate Observation – Documentary

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Watch two of the following documentaries:

1) Walking With the Great Apes – Orangutans
Running Time: 23 mins
Year: 2014
Holly Carroll, Jeremy Hogart
Features: Holly Carroll, Jane Goodall

2) Macaques
Running Time: 54 mins
Year: 2008
Filmmakers: Anne Zeller

1) Watch both documentaries that you have chosen. Be sure to write down the common name and scientific name of the species of primate that you’re learning about. Fill
in the classification, morphology and locomotion on the worksheet provided (you may Google this online if needed). Whatever you cannot answer, you will need to answer
using other sources. (such as your textbook, the internet).

On the worksheet, fill in the common name and species of the primates you have chosen. Fill out the form describing the composition of the group and the behaviors that
these primates exhibit.

2) Finally, in a 2 page paper, answer the following questions in an essay:
Where are these primates found, and what is their habitat like? Describe where they live, what they eat, how they get around – their general ecology. Describe anything
else you think is important that you learned from the documentaries.
How did the primates in the two documentaries behave? What were the similarities or differences between the two species you observed, and why do you think that these
similarities and differences occur? Did they show any behaviors that you thought were “human-like?”
What else would be helpful to know about these primates?

Attention writer:
Watching the documentaries above for the paper is crucial, however most of the information and research needed for the paper can be taken from the videos and/ or from
outside sources like the internet, textbooks, online e-books, or articles.
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2: Qualifications and/or experiences

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MiraCosta College is an Equal Opportunity Employer with a commitment to diversity. We strive to be a model for equity and inclusion, effectively supporting students
from diverse socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds who possess a range of abilities, academic preparation, and life experiences. describe what qualifications and/or
experiences have prepared you to contribute to the fulfillment of the College’s goals for equity and inclusion.

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