Islamic religion

Islamic religion

The post has two asighnments

Islamic religion

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There is often an assumption in the West that the Islamic religion is intolerant of other religions. Do you believe this to be wholly true? Why or why not? In what ways have the Muslims been treated with intolerance?

2; Discussion | Framing Your Message and Pitching to Stakeholder

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Discussion | Framing Your Message and Pitching to Stakeholder
Complete the assigned readings and review these resources to prepare for this discussion.
• Mass Media Health Communication Campaigns Combined With Health-Related Product Distribution: A Community Guide Systematic Review (opens in new window)
• Social Media and Health Care Professionals: Benefits, Risks, and Best Practices ATTACHED (opens in new window)
• Gateway to Health Communication and Social Media Practice (opens in new window)
• What is Health Communication? ATTACHED (opens in new window)
Communication of science, data, and evidence-based practice is increasingly recognized as being a responsibility of public health professionals. However, public health and medical professionals are not historically taught these skills in traditional academic programs. While public health professionals and scientists are thoroughly trained in research methodologies, analytical skills, and the ability to communicate with other scientists and professionals, they usually receive no explicit training in communication of scientific or public health concepts to a layperson audience.
Given the importance of communication with a layperson audience (consider vaccine-preventable diseases or traveling to Zika-infected areas and the need to protect one’s self and loved ones), it is critical to understand the ways in which it is possible to increase the effectiveness as well as the limitations of such communication.
1. What is at least one example derived from either your own experience or from case studies 1 and 2, in which a message to laypersons was communicated well?
A. What made it effective?
2. What is at least one example in which the message was not effective, and why?
3. What was the impact of this communication on the public health outcomes?
Respond to the initial prompt with a substantive post by the first deadline.
Discussion Requirements
• Initial Posts: 250-300 words
• Response to Peers: 150-250 minimum words
o Reference at least 2 scholarly resources
o Respond to a minimum of two posts
o APA formatted references in posts
What is a substantive post?
A substantive post is one that meets the requirements above.
• Read Public Health Communications: Critical Tools and Strategies to prepare for this week’s discussion and future assignments.
• Chapter 4: How to Communicate About Data
• Chapter 10: Media Vehicles, Platforms, and Channels
• Read Mass Media Strategies and Channels: A Review of the Use of Media in Breast and Cervical Cancers Screening Programs (opens in new window) (Requires APU Library Login) to prepare for this week’s discussion and future assignments. ATTACHED
Watch Developing a Health Education Resource in 8 Stages (00:01:43) (opens in new window) to prepare for this week’s discussion
Required Texts and Resources
• Paravanta, C. (2018) Public health communication: Critical tools and strategies. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
o Affordability Options
? – etextbook Rental Option
Program Required Texts and Resources
Learners are required to purchase the resources below If they are enrolled in the MPH program and they have not been purchased during a previous course (i.e. this is their MPH first course). These resources will be referenced throughout their program.
• Mauffette-Leenders, L. A., Erskine, J. A., & Leenders, M. R. (2007). Learning with cases. London, Ontario: Richard Ivey School of Business.
o Only available in a print format
• Stroh, D. P. (2015). Systems thinking for social change: A practical guide to solving complex problems, avoiding unintended consequences, and achieving lasting results. White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green Publishing.
o Affordability Options
? – etextbook Rental Option

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