Education and Economic Success

The post has two asighnments

1:Education and Economic Success”

a small “action” project in which students will conduct short informal interviews about perspectives on the relationship between education and economic success.tudents discuss their experiences conducting these action projects in lecture and submit a write-up.

Investigative Assignment #1 “Education and Economic Success”

Talk with 3 people (friends, peers, co-workers, family or strangers) about their
perspective on economic success. Consider asking them the following questions. Feel free to ask others. 1) From your perspective and experiences, what do you think are the most important factors that influence someone’s economic success? 2) What role does family play in influencing someone’s economic success? 3) What role does education play in influencing someone’s economic success? 4) Do you think that education can
prevent success, or interfere with students being successful in school and later on in their life? Please explain.
Part B
In 4 double-spaced pages: 1) In 2 pages, describe who you talked to (no names), summarize what they said, and discuss any connections between what you heard and the course; 2) In 2 pages, discuss YOUR perspective on the above questions regarding economic success and the role of family and education. Describe your background a little such as where you grew up, your family background. What is your family’s educational background? What does your family do for a living? Also describe your general experiences in elementary, middle or high school. To help you, think about your answers
to questions such as “what kind of kid were you?” “What kind of student were you?” “Did you like school?” “Did your teachers like you?” “Did you go to “good” schools?” “What role did your family play in your education?”

2:gender differences in academic

Order Description

Skaalvik, S., & Skaalvik, E, M. (2004). Gender differences in math and verbal self-concept, performance expectation, and motivation. Sex Roles, 50, 3/4.

evaluate in terms of research question, validity of research methods, interpretation of results, and competing hypotheses.

Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the research methodology and provide an evaluation as to its merits.

Evaluate the papers as to their: Purpose and Research Questions; Research Design; Data Collection; Analysis of Data; Discussion of Findings.

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