
Define the term management, What does the manager do in each functional areas, etc..

1) Define the term management. Illustrate your definition by using an example of a manager and a non-
manager. (650 words)
2) In what way is management an art? A science? It is also a profession? Be as complete as possible in your
answer. (600 words)
3) How do the following differ from each other: first manager, middle manager. top manager? Compare and
contrast the three. (600 words)
4) Drawing upon the research of Luthans and his associates, what activities are performed by managers? do
all managers perform these activities to the same degree? Explain. (600 words)
5) What does the manager do in each of the following four functional areas: (1) Planning and decision
making? (2) organizing and stuffing structure. (3) leading and influencing the personal. And (4) controlling
organizational and resources? Describe each area. (600 words)
6) Are the most important management skills organizing and controlling or they planning and leading? (600

7) What are the main challenges a manager has to face these days? Why? (600 words)
8) Is management a science or an art? (600 words)
9) What is the importance of the “Hawthorne effect” in the management of change? (600 words)
10) How do the behavioral and contingency theories of the management compare and contrast with scientific
management? (650 words)

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