Understanding the financial system

Write a paper/report that discusses and presents the following information.
1.) The four main money market interest rates discussed most frequently in the
media. (Note: See text for clues. You should describe each briefly and make sure
you include the current rate and source of the information.)
2. The five interest rates on capital market instruments discussed most frequently
in the media. (Note: See text for clues. You should describe each briefly and make
sure you include the current rate and source of the information)
3. Go to https://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/h6/current/ . Using
information from this website, what has been the growth rate of M1 and M2 over
the past twelve months? From what you know about the economy, do these
growth rates seem expansionary or restrictive.?
4. The most famous financial market in the world is the New York Stock
Exchange. What is the mission of the NYSE? (Go to its website
http://www.nyse.com for information) Firms must pay to list their shares for sale
on the NYSE. What would be the fee for a firm with five million common shares
5. Using the internet, collect data on the Dow Jones Industrial Average from
2010-2017. Download the data into Excel and graph the data (monthly or
quarterly). Comment on the trend based on observing the graph. Use the data to
support or refute this statement. The stock market has risen in 2017 faster than
any other year since 2010. [Suggestion you can find data on the Dow Jones
Industrial Average on FRED Link: https://fred.stlouisfed.org]

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