UML Diagrams

Draw a sequence diagram for a supermarket electronic point of sales system (EPOS)-
A sequence diagram is used to show the interaction between objects and the
sequential order in which thwe interactions occur Show the expected interaction
between the user, hardware, and software-

-Scan the upc barcode through the camera, extract the barcode
-Process barcode for string comparison in Database
– Press Cash, to finalize the Transaction
-Store the transaction in the Database, for reporting and refund purposes.
-Void button- lets the user remove a particular product from the transaction before finalizing it.
-Update inventory after the sale has been finalized.

Buttons: Enter UPC, Price Check, Price Override, Void, Cash, Credit Debit, back
Tables: Item Barcode, Price, Item Name

– Allow the user to return a specific item, or the entire transaction that was previously made.
– Prompt the user for Transaction ID, Purchase Date.
– Display the Entire transaction from the information provided by the user.
– Add products back to the database that are returned.
– Display the amount being refunded after item has been selected.
– Back button- Should take the user back to home screen.
Buttons: Get Transaction Details, Return Item, Return Sale, Back
Employee Management System:
– Allow the Employee to clock in,clock out.(Store the hours worked in database).
– Display the Payroll information to admin with Emp ID, Emp Name, Hours Worked, Pay Rate, Tax Percent, Gross Pay(Before tax deduction), Gross Pay(after tax deduction).
– Display total hours worked by all employees in the week.
– Allow admin to add login user
Tables: Emp ID, Emp Name, Hours Worked, Pay Rate, Tax Percent, Gross Pay,Back
Sub-buttons: clock in/clock out, payroll, add new user, back

– Display 4 options (Daily, Monthly, Yearly, Custom Date)
– In a Sales report display total amount of sales, along with tax
– Display refund reports(By Custom Date) with Emp ID, Emp Name, Refund amount, Transaction Id, time
– Display void reports(by Custom Date) with Emp ID, Emp Name, void amount, item name, transaction Id, time
Buttons: Daily, Monthly, Yearly, Custom Date, Back,
Inventory Management System:
– View/Modify Inventory
– Display Current Inventory
-Allow user to change prices
-Allow user to add or remove an item from inventory
– Add the items that are less than 10 units in inventory to OrderList (items < 10).
– Give the user option to print and delete the report.

Customer loyalty Overview:
User and admin
5 points for every pound spent
Add New Customer
– Let user add new customer details in the loyalty program( Customer Name, Qrcode)
– Add the points to their name once transaction is finalized.

View Customer Loyalty Information
– Display customer information along with points
– For every 1000 points earned give customer £20 discount on the total purchase. Deduct the points used and make it 0 if they had 1000.
– Show points earned on every transaction.

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